88. Limp

Tanya's POV

Groaning at the sunlight that kissed my closed lids, I shuffled on the black and white criss-cross bedspread in a bid to return to my slumber, my hands painfully folding under me in the process.

"Damn it," I hissed in irritation and returned to my previous position when I heed someone chuckle beside me. 

Not needing to ask who it is, I grunted and whirled in his path. Unraveling my lids, I spotted his handsome face staring directly at me, eyes shining, skin glowing and lips stretched in a smile. "What's funny?"

"You acting like a baby," he said truthfully and I scoffed, altering my gaze to the ceiling for about a second before I moved my body to a sitting position, my bones aching in the process.

"How are you feeling?" He implored as I winced at the soreness my body felt.

"Like a train rammed into me and crushed all my bones to a pulp," I muttered in a heartbeat, my expression serious.