92. Nelly

Tanya's POV

It has been 10 days since Christmas and New Year's celebration had just been wrapped up. The twins had gone MIA again and had not been seen since Christmas day which was worrisome.

Training had been put on hold due to Ricky's absence and to give everyone a chance to enjoy the festive season. That made the absence of the twins bothersome as they had enough free time on their hands.

I had an inkling something was up, however, I brushed it off like I'd been doing, though the thought of their uncle heightened my uneasiness. I shook my head as I vividly recalled their expressions at his arrival not wanting to jump into something without knowing the full details.

It was past midnight and I had woken up to take a piss when inspiration struck for chapter 5 of my new book. I was too lazy to go to the library and turn on the Macbook so I made do with my phone.