93. Brother

Tanya's POV

"Nelly?" I called for the second time as her whole demeanor went rigid. Her sobs hitched while my breathing slowed in fear and anticipation.

Gradually, her face lifted from her the hole in her arms which were wrapped around her knee. I thought I could take it but the sight of her tear-stricken face was all it needed for my heart to shatter into a million pieces.

I held in a sob as light from the mansion wall kissed her broken features more so as her body shook and her mouth opened to let out words but not a single sound came out.

"You don't need to say anything," I croaked out in a hoarse voice and dropped my ass on the wet ground not caring as I threw my right arm across her shoulder and pushed her to me. "You don't."

"I'm sorry Luna," she uttered in a shaky voice prompting me to shake my head.