97. Panic

Tanya's POV

Panting in fear and apprehension, I climbed on the fallen door, my vision scanning the perimeter as I trudged on the wood splinters, not caring if I got hurt.

"Tanya," Dante muttered behind me as I walked through what seemed to be a passage with a dim bulb hanging from the roof.

I strained my ears for any sound as I strived to ration my breath to allow me to focus. We were all silent, and no other noise was heard which was weird. 'Nathan, what's going on? I can't hear any sound.'

No response was heard and that frightened me. Hastening my steps I strolled out of the passage into what looked like a living room. The 2 brown couches had ripped marks on them, the glass table cracked, same with the small-sized television.