102. Riddle

Tanya's POV

A sharp twinge shot through my neck as I tried to turn my head, my eyes closed. Something wasn't feeling right as I began to notice an ache in my back and my neck wasn't letting up either.

The first thought that rushed to my mind was that I was kidnapped which incited me to snap my eyes open and shoot up with a start. The pain I felt in my bones at that action indicated it was a very bad idea to do that.

"Holly cow!" I hissed in anguish, my palm automatically going to the back of my neck while my left hand seemed as if electricity was pulsing through it.

My vision adjusting to the surroundings, I discerned I was still in the library. The room was a bit dark which made me ponder on what time it actually was.

Feeling a stickiness on the side of my mouth, I wiped it off with the hand that held my neck only to peer at it and recognize it to be drool. The wheels in my head began to turn till it clicked that I had dozed off.