106. Sighted

Tanya's POV

'Nathan?' I called through the mindlink but got nothing in response. My eyes shifted to Dante who seemed perplexed as I repeated the boy's name. 'Nathan?'

"That's odd." Nelly frowned, eying the slices of pizza as if the owner would just appear in front of her. 

"Maybe he forgot." Travis shrugged while my heartbeat accelerated as the feeling intensified.

"Nathan won't forget about his food," Nelly argued dragging the opened box to her and closing it. "Maybe I should cover it."

No word left my lips as my gaze remained on Dante, only he could see the fear in my eyes as I unknowingly began vibrating my right leg as the seconds ticked by.

"Or maybe he fell asleep," Eve inputted and my vision snapped to her such that she reeled back in surprise. "What? Why the look."

"Nothing," I responded and surfed through the connection once again. 'Nathan. Nathan if you are asleep just say so.'