107. Puzzled

Tanya's POV

'On my way there,' I informed Dante through the mindlink as I closed the door of Nelly's room behind me.

I raced down the stairs, my heart pounding in my chest as my left palm slid down the railing. I soon got to the hallway and in less than a minute was out the back door and in the pack square.

"Where are they?" I inquired the moment I sighted Dante pacing.

He halted and whirled to me at the sound of my voice. His lips moved in a small smile as I power-walked to his location. "At the pack village, they are almost at the border."

No words were spoken as I nodded at him and the next second, my feet were thrown forward in a sprint, Dante doing the same. The sun was setting and a nice breeze was settling in the atmosphere as we whizzed toward the pack village.