108. Curious

Tanya's POV

"What did you mean when you said I have a darkside?" I questioned, the sound of my voice startling the unsuspecting man sprawled on the cold concrete floor.

"Fuck!" He screeched in surprise and jumped back as he caught sight of me in the mildly lit room. His face and body were covered in bruises. "Don't sneak up on me like that."

"Did I really do that?" I implored and stopped moving when I was inches away from him.

"Don't feign ignorance," he snorted, his lips slightly swollen from the beating of earlier.

It was two days after he was caught at the pack border and brought to the dungeon for his kidnap attempt and for drugging Nathan with silver.

Thankfully the 16-year-old lad was doing fine as he was discharged the previous day. It was a relief when we discovered it was only a little amount of silver and not too much that it became toxic.