112. Neighbors

Tanya's POV

A week had gone by but I couldn't shake off the chills that ran down my spine as Ricky conveyed such news to us at the dungeon. The pack was thrown into a frenzy as every nook and cranny was searched.

In spite of the large search party, Damien was no where to be found, not even a hair on his skin was found. We didn't relent however and panic filled the air.

School had resumed and the twins were improving in their academics. Security like never before was put in place and movements were more restricted. Every visitor and departer was being accessed thoroughly before entering or leaving.

It was around 3pm and the twins had returned an hour prior. I always give them 1 hour to tidy up after getting home from school before the maids or Abigail take their food to them.

That day I had decided to do the job myself hence I needed to spend quality time with them. The past days had been crazy and I had no free hour to hang out with them.