114. River

Tanya's POV

A werewolf I couldn't recognize that had the appearance of a rogue was the first to notice our presence when he was thrown a few feet away from us.

Tony and I halted and involuntarily prepared ourselves for a confrontation as he slowly got off the floor, his body stretching to his full height, bruises and scratch marks on his hairy face and hind limbs.

His blue eyes flashed with recognition and his head cocked arrogantly as he poised his body for a fight. The next instant he was flying off his feet and bounding at me.

Tony jumped in front of me in a second and wedged the angry wolf with his firm arms. The brown and white furred wolf snarled at him, the sharp canines digging into his skin while I stood rigid, my mind struggling between fear and anger. Fear that I could have been torn apart and anger at Tony for jumping in to protect me.