Chapter 5

Griffin, the Palace's main employee had shown me all the tasks. I learned everything within a day. Then I went back to my room and sat down in the bed. Suddenly, grandma came to me and sat beside me.

"Is everything alright my dear?" She asked. I didn't say anything, just nodded my head.

"You are not well. You seem to be so upset. You can tell me." She said. I put my head in her lap.

"I'm feeling so lonely. Where I lived, where I played, where I enjoyed my life with my family, now I am a servant here. The girl who was a princess, now she is the Bodyguard of the enemy." I said. Tears fall down from my eyes.

"oh dear, you have to be strong and careful. You must not let them know about your true identity. Listen carefully, The God brought you here. He gave you a chance to get revenge. It is your kingdom. You have to won it. OK let's not talk about it anymore." She said.

"OK dear, now go to sleep. You have many things to do. Sweet dreams." She said and left the room. I went to the bathroom to take a shower. After taking a shower and came out of the bathroom and went to sleep.

At 6am, a servant came to me to wake me up. I awoke and get dressed. Then I went to the kitchen to check everything. Then I went to the Prince's room to wake him up.

"My Prince, it's time to wake up. The breakfast is ready." I said.

"Let me sleep two more minutes." He said. Is he really a prince? How lazy he is!

"My Prince, you have no time for sleeping. If the queen hear this she will be so angry." I said. My servant used to be wake me up like this before.

"Who are you ordering me? I am the prince, I know what to do. Now go away. Let me sleep." He said and again fall asleep. The queen Nastasia came at that moment. She was furious.

"Why isn't he awaken? You are his assistant. It's your duty to wake him up." She said and then ordered me to pour water on him. I did as she said. Prince Frank woke up at once.

"Who dared to do this with me? He have to pay for it." He said with a great anger.

"I am the one who dared to do this. Do you have anything to say?" The Queen asked.

"Mo.... Mother?!" He got scared to see his mother. He must be afraid of her.

"Yes, now quickly get ready and come downstairs. Everyone is waiting for you." She said and left the room.

"You listen, you are my assistant. So you will just listen to me, not anyone else's. I hope you understand." He said and went to the bathroom. Then he get ready and went to the downstairs.

Everyone was waiting for him. When he joined them, everyone had breakfast together like a happy family. But this family was not like mine. We were a happy family. But this family is very strict. Yeah yeah, it is because it's not a true royal family. They finished their breakfast in a great silence. Everyone went back to their room.

"Is the king always being that rude?" I couldn't hold my curiosity.

"Don't dare to talk about him like this. He is just a little bit serious and strict person. But he is not that bad. He just doesn't like to talk while eating. That's it." The Prince said. He really respects his father.

"OK my Prince, now it is time to study." I said. He seems to be annoyed at me.

"Don't order me. I know it's time for my study. But I am sick right now. So I don't feel like to study." He replied. I didn't say anything. Meanwhile, the Queen came.

"You are still here? Won't you go for study?" She asked.

"Mother, I'm not feeling so well. Let's not go for study toady." He replied to the queen.

"It's your everyday excuse. Now get ready for school immediately." She said.

"But Mother...."

"I don't want to hear anything else. Even if you die, I don't care. You have to go to school at any cost." She said and left the room. Prince Frank sit down with a upset face.

"Prince, you heard the queen. Now you should.."

"Just shut up. Leave me alone." He stopped me and said that. I was going to leave the room but I looked at him. He seems to be very upset. It made me think of him. I went near to him.

"Prince, is there anything that bothers you?" I asked him.

"I said to leave me alone." He said in a rude voice.

"I know, you are sad because your mother is too strick for you. But she just want you to study. It's not for herself, it's for your own sake." I said to comfort him. He laughed at me.

"Oh really you think so? Actually that's not bothering me. She and my father was not like this. Ever since they became the king and queen, they became strict. They just want me to be like a real prince. I am not adjust with this life. I was a normal boy back then. I was the commander's son. My father betrayed the king for the throne. You know what? When I was little, the princess Aniya was my only friend. But when I was 10, my father sent me somewhere else. I didn't get any chance to see her again. When I was 17, I heard that my father betrayed the king and killed him. I came back here and heard everything. I asked him about Aniya. He said that the soldiers killed her. I had lost my best friend. I still have her last letter. I didn't want this life. I had last seen her when she was only 8." He said and tried to hide his tears. I also tried to control myself. I wish I could tell him the truth.

To be continued.....