Chapter 6

I hardly comfort Prince Frank and agreed him to go to school. He relaxed for a while and then told me to bring his dress. I did as he said. Then I left the room. He got ready and we left for school. We took our horse and then went to the school. Prince Frank was in the last grade. It was his last year in the school. I was in this school about 3 years ago.

"What are you waiting for? Come with me." Prince said. I was standing outside the school and thinking about my past.

"Yes, my prince." I entered my school once more. But this time I am here as the Bodyguard of the Prince.

"Oh Frank, where had you been for 3 days? I was very worried about you." Suddenly a girl ran to him and hugged him. This girl must be a princess.

"Victoria, let me go now. It's hard to breath." Prince Frank said and the girl let him go.

"who is this young boy?" She asked about me. Prince Frank explained her everything.

"Oh that's pretty funny. You even don't know how to hold a sword. Why don't you try to learn?" She made fun of him. He just ignored her words.

"Anyways, where is Vence and Alexandra?" He asked.

"Oh they are in the classroom. Come, everyone will be super happy to see you again." She said and both of them went to the classroom. I also followed them. We came to the classroom and Prince's two friends Prince Vence and Princess Alexandra ran to him.

"Frank, were you sick? You had been missing for 3 days." Prince Vence said.

"Oh were you really worried about me?" Prince Frank asked them.

"Actually no, we were very happy without you." Prince Vence replied.

"Vence don't make fun with him. Frank, we were really worried about you." Princess Alexandra said.

"Oh really? Why didn't you come to see me then?" Prince Frank asked.

"We were really busy. Don't get upset about it. You often skip school, so we thought you are okay." Princess Victoria said. Suddenly their class teacher came into the classroom. Everyone get back to their seat. The class started. I was looking from the outside. After some classes, they got break time. They had lunch and enjoyed their free time. Then they get back to their class and after some more classes, the school was over.

"The school was fun but the classes were so boring. Alex, have you ever been to school?" Prince Frank asked me. I wasn't sure what to say.

"No, I haven't." I said. He shook.

"What?! That's really awesome. You don't have to read. You don't have to get punishment. What a nice life!" He said. I was really upset to see my old friends having fun without me. I have seen them from a distance. They didn't see me.

We came back to the Palace. Prince gave me some time to rest. I went to my room. Grandma came to me with some food.

" Dear, come and eat something. You must be tired." I eat some foods with her.

"So how was your day?" She asked me.

"Not that bad." I replied. I chatted with her for a while and then again get back to my work.

"Prince, It is time for your sword practice." I said.

"I know. But remember that, I don't like to fight. So I don't want to learn it." He replied.

"But Prince, you are going to be 20. If you still don't want to learn then everyone will make fun of you." I said.

"Who cares? Let them do that." He said and took a book from the bookshelf. Then sat down on the chair in the balcony and then started to read it.

"Then who will protect you?" I asked.

"Or who? You, you will protect me. After all you are my Bodyguard and assistant. Why do I need to be strong if you are here to protect me? I think you should go practice." He said and again started to read the book. I was standing by his side.

"This book is not that good. Alex, can you please bring me another book?" He said. It's the first time he talked to me nicely. I didn't know he can be so nice.

"Yes of course, my prince." I took his book and went to the bookshelf. I placed the book in its place.

"Which book do you want to read?" I asked him.

"Anything good. Just bring me one." He said. I saw a book named History of the Parallel world. I took this book and gave it to him.

"Do you think it's a good book?" He asked.

"Just read it. You will understand by yourself." I said. Actually I read this story before. It was my favorite book. So I took it for him. He opened the book and began to read it.

After an hour, he finished reading it. He closed the book and looked at me.

" How did you know that it will be a interesting story? Did you read this book before?" He asked me.

"Yes my prince. I did." I replied.

"But I thought you don't know how to read. You said you didn't went to school." He said shockingly.

"I hadn't been to school ever in my life. But my grandma taught me to read and write." I said.

"That's pretty cool. You don't have anyone except your grandma. But she loves you very much. But look at me. I am a prince and I have everyone. But nobody loves me. They even don't care me." He said. He is actually a little bit sensitive.

"I don't think so. Every parents love their children. Some expresses their love, some doesn't. That's it." I said.

"No, I think so. My parents doesn't love me at all. They just love power." He said. Actually he was right. His parents just love power.

To be continued...