Chapter 7

The next day, Prince Frank's friends came to invite him to go hunting.

"Frank, wanna go hunting?" Prince Vence asked him.

"No, I am not interested in hunting. You can go with others." He replied. But his all friends forced him to agree. He agreed to go for hunting.

In the evening, we all went to the forest. But I knew that Prince Frank doesn't know to throw arrow and that's why his friends always make fun of him. I also hunt two birds. But Prince Frank didn't catch anything.

"Frank, You haven't caught anything. Your assistant already caught two birds. Haven't you learned to shoot arrows yet?" Princess Victoria said. It made him jealous.

"What are you saying? I am a Prince. I know how to shoot arrow. But actually, I don't want to hurt any creatures." He replied to her. She smirked.

"Oh really? What a nice person you are!" She said and started to laugh. Prince Frank got mad at her and left the place with a great anger.

"Prince, wait for me." I also followed him. He went to the river side and threw a stone in the river to control his anger. He started to find more stones to threw in the river. I found a stone. So I took it and went to him with the stone.

"Do you need it?" I asked him. He took the stone from me and threw it away.

"I don't need you. I can protect myself. Just go away from here. I don't want to see your face anymore." He said me.

"What did I do? Are you being jealous of me?" I asked. He got really angry at me.

"Are you kidding? Do you have any idea what are you saying? I said you to leave now." He said.

"I told you before, you should learn the skills. You should go sword practice. But you didn't listen to me. I told you that people will made fun of you. But you said that you don't care about anyone. So, why are you being upset now?" I asked. He became silent. He knew I was right. But he doesn't want to be strong.

" I just wanted to enjoy my life. I don't want to learn anything. It's boring. And the teachers are so complicated. I don't like them at all." He said, made me think. Then I got an idea.

"Let me teach you. What do you think about it?" I asked. He looked at me and started to think.

"You? Not that bad." He said and we left the forest. We came back to the Palace. We went to the garden for training. First I tried to taught him how to shoot arrow. But he failed. His target was too bad. I tried again and again. I tried to be a good teacher. But I think, I couldn't be that good. I tried to remember how my teacher taught me. I tried to be like my teacher. I tried hard to make him better. But I think, he needs more time. I can feel that he tried his best to be better. He doesn't want to be a laughing matter to anyone.

Three weeks has been passed. He improved a little bit. But it was everything for him.

"Why are you helping him? He is your enemy remember?" One night grandma said that. I looked at her sadly and started to find my answer.

"I don't know. Maybe he is my childhood friend, that's why. I just wanted to help him. He is not like his father, I know him very well." I said.

"You knew his father also. But you or your father didn't know that he could be a culprit. So you should be careful of his son also." She said and left that room immediately. I knew that she was angry at me. But I had nothing to do. I didn't care about her and the next day I started to train him again. Grandma always see us from her window.

After three months, he learned almost everything. Now he can shoot arrow and his targets are not that bad now. But I think he needs more training.

"I have learned enough. From today, I won't come to practice anymore." Prince Frank said to me.

"But Prince, you need to learn more. You haven't finished your training yet." I said.

"No need. You are here for me. I know you won't leave me. I can trust you." He said. I didn't know he started to trust me.

"But Prince, you need regular practice. Otherwise, you will forget everything." I said to him.

"What do you think about me? I am not any kid. I won't forget." He said.

"But practice makes everything better. If you won't do it, I won't protect you anymore." I said.

"You can't refuse my order. I am the Prince, remember?" He said made me silent.

"But I will listen to you and practice everyday. Because you are the only one who cares about me." He said and left the place immediately. How can I betray him? How do I hide my true identity from him? I looked at my grandma's window with a thinking face. She was also looking at me.

I went to the Prince's chamber for give him some documents. But he wasn't there. His desk was too messy. I went near to the desk to clean it up. But I saw a letter on the desk. It my last letter to him when I celebrated my 15th birthday. I remember that day. He sent me a birthday gift which was diamond ring. So I thanked him for the gift in that letter.

"It was the last letter from her." Suddenly his voice came from my back.

"Prince, I'm sorry. I was just cleaning up the messy desk." The letter was in my hand. He took the letter from my hand and opened it.

"I often read it when I am free. Every time I read this letter, it feels like I am reading it for the first time." He said and went to the desk. He opened the drawer and took out a ring. Strange! It was that ring he gave as birthday present.

"The soldiers took this when she was died. They said that she fall down from the high hill. So I keep this with me." He said. Actually the soldiers told lie to save their life. I lost my ring when I was running out from the Palace. Maybe they found it and took it to Frank's father. His father wanted me to be dead. So if they had said that I am alive and they lost me, the evil king would kill them. So they lied to him.

"You are not saying anything, Alex." He said to me.

"No. Actually my Prince, I was thinking about something. Anyways, I have some documents for you. You should check it out." I gave him the documents and left the room.

To be continued...