Chapter 13

I went to my room and turned off my lights. The Moonlight was coming to my room from the window. I went near to the window and looked out. I could see the full moon. I felt a loneliness. I was really alone. I was missing my little peaceful family. We were really happy. I always looked the full moon together. We used to make tents in the garden. Thinking about all this memories, I sat on the bed and looked at the ground. I was really angry and upset. I lay down on the bed and closed my eyes. I don't know when I fall asleep. When I opened my eyes, I saw princess Florence was sitting on the chair in front of my bed.

"Princess! What are you doing here in my room?" I jumped from my bed and got shocked to see her.

"Why? Can't I come here? It's my Palace, I can go wherever I want." She said. Oof! This girl is such a headache. I didn't say anything to her. I wake up from the bed. I went to the bathroom to fresh myself. I looked at the mirror and started talking to myself.

"What has she got into me?" I washed my face and took a shower. Then I came out of the bathroom. Princess Florence was still in my room.

"What took you so long? I was waiting for you." She said looking at me.

"Princess, are you here for something?" I asked annoyingly.

"Yes of course. What do you think of me? Why would I come here for no reason? I am not any fan of you." She said.

"Then what is your important reason for coming here in this early morning?" I asked.

"Alex, don't forget that I am a princess. So mind your words. Remember about your position." She said, made me angry. I wish I could teach her a lesson.

"Now listen to me carefully, today is my father's birthday. And I want to give him a surprise party." She said with a great attitude.

"So what can I do for you?" I asked.

"You will arrange the surprise party for him. Be careful. I don't want anyone to know about it." She said and stood up from the chair.

"But why will I do that? I am not your servant. I only listen to prince Frank." I said direct.

"Don't dare to disobey me. You will listen to me. You care too much about my brother huh? Then you should know that if you don't listen to me, I won't let your prince live in peace. You know what? My father loves me very much. He always believes me. Even if it's a lie, he won't disbelieve me." She said glaring at me.

"Huh! You are too crazy. Fine, I will do that." I said.

"Oh that's a good boy! Here, take this paper. All instructions are given in this paper. Follow them." She gave me a paper of instructions and left my room. What is this? I have to arrange a surprise birthday party for my enemy?! What else I can do? I left my room and started to do my everyday work.

"Prince, it's time to get ready." I said.

"For what?" He asked.

"For school!"

"You forgot? Today is the day of school camp. And we will go to school after an hour." He said.

"The school camp? I had forgot about that. How long we have to stay there?" I asked.

"three days." He said. What do I do? I have to arrange the party.

"Do I have to go with you?" I asked.

"Of course. You are my Bodyguard remember?" He said.

"He can't go." Suddenly Princess entered the room.

"You entered my room without my permission again? And who are you telling him what to do?" Prince Frank asked her angrily.

"He has some works to do." She said.

"He will do whatever I tell him. If I want him to go with me, then he will go with me. That's it. No one can order him except me. Now leave my room immediately." He said. The princess became very mad and left the room. She closed the door too loudly.

"Did she ordered you to do something?" He asked me, I nodded.

"What was the work?" He asked. I explained everything to him. He laughed.

"You should tell me first. My father doesn't like to celebrate his birthday. But she is a crazy girl. She gave him a surprise birthday party every year and father gets mad at her." He said.

"Now listen, get ready. We will go to the nearby island for school camping. We will go there by the ship." He said. I got ready and went outside of the Palace. I went to the horses to prepare them. Meanwhile, the Prince came there. Then we started for school. We reached the school. When everyone reached at the school the teachers took the students to the ship and started their journey to the island.

To be continued...