Chapter 14

The weather was so good. The sky was so clear. Everyone was in a fresh mood. The ship was in the middle of the sea. Suddenly, the sky started to become dark. The captain tried to control the ship. But the wind was blowing too much. The ship could not stand in front of the wind. There was also a lot of sea currents. The ship lost his control. The ship continues to swing. A heavy storm started. There were fears in everybody's mind. The captain continues to try to control the ship. But he couldn't. Some students fell down from the ship. Some were fainted. The ship eventually sank unable to stand before the heavy storm. Everyone on the ship drowned. I tried to survive. But I also drowned for the heavy storm. I could feel the sea. It was very deep. I fainted after drowning under the sea. I don't remember anything else.

When I opened my eyes I found myself in a dark cave. There was a fire beside me. I was lying down on the ground. I sat up. I looked around and found Prince Frank was sitting in front of me. He was looking so confused. He was looking at the ground. His clothes were wet. Maybe he saved me. But he looked very weird.

"Prince are you OK? Did you save me?" I asked. He didn't look at for once.

"Who are you actually?" He asked. This question made me freeze. Why did he asked me that?

"I didn't get it." I said shockingly.

"What is your real identity? What is your name? Where are you from? Who are your parents?" He asked all this questions. Did he find out something? It can't be happening to me.

"I can't understand. Why are you asking all this questions?" I asked.

"There's nothing to understand here. Your lie has been caught. Now tell me the truth." He said. My whole body became freeze.

"What truth?" I asked.

"You are a girl." His words made me jump. How did he know? He glared at me. He was waiting for me to answer.

"Actually I am a girl and I was in trouble." I said.

"What trouble?" He asked glaring at me.

"There were some enemies of my father. They wanted to kill me. So I transferred myself into a boy." I lied again.

"Oh! That's it? Is that so?" He asked. Why is he saying it like that?

"Yes, Prince. It's the truth." I said nervously.

"Then what is this?" He glowed at me. He showed me my royal necklace. I threw away everything. But I couldn't threw away my royal necklace. It was my identity. But how did he find it?

"I.... Where did you find that?" I asked.

"Why are you afraid? Didn't you tell me the truth?" He asked.

"No I mean, I find this necklace in the forest." I said.

"Oh really!? You find everything in the forest? The sword and this necklace? And the interesting matter is that all of this things are princess Aniya's!" He said made me jump.

"Yesterday I found this necklace in your room." He said.

"Tell me the truth." After saying all of this, he looked at me. I couldn't say anything. I made my head down, looked at the ground.

"Speak up." He said. But I couldn't open my mouth. I didn't know what to say now.

"LOOK AT ME AND SPEAK UP." He grabbed my chin and made me look at him.

"Yes, I am Aniya. PRINCESS ANIYA." I said, he shocked. He let my chin go.

"Why did you enter this Palace? What was your plan?" He asked steadily.

"My Plan?! Remember that, you are the one who brought here. I didn't want to come back here. But you forced me. What could I do?" I said bravely. He didn't say anything.

"So, what do you want to do now? If I let you go back to the forest, will you go back?" He asked.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked.

"No reason. I just asked." He said.

"It's my decision. Why do I tell you? If you want to take me to your father, then go ahead. I don't care anyone. I don't afraid of your father. I don't afraid to die." I said. He looked at me.

"I won't take you to my father." He said.

"But why? Because I am your childhood friend? Or do you have any other reason?" I asked. He took his eyes away from me.

"No, I just can't let any innocent girl die. It is my reason." He said nervously.

"What next then?" He asked me.

"You can return to the Palace. I will go back to the forest with my grandma." I said and stood up.

"But I said that I won't take you to my father." He said.

"So what? I don't think you want a girl as your Bodyguard anymore." I said. He looked down. I took my sword and started to walk.

"Yes I do." He said from my behind. I looked back at him.

To be continued...