Chapter 16

The three werewolves coming near to us. They surrounded us. We had sword in our hands but we knew that we can't defeat them. One of them jumped into me. I tried to save myself. But the werewolf was so powerful. Suddenly Prince Frank attacked the werewolf with his sword. The werewolf moved away from me. The other two attacked Prince Frank. I also attacked them with my sword. Somehow, we managed to run. But they were too fast. We were trying our best to escape from the werewolves. But they were getting close to us.

"Aniya, do you know how to climb trees?" Suddenly Prince Frank asked me.

"What the heck is this? It's not time to play." I replied with an anger.

"If you know how to climb trees, then quickly get up. They won't be able to catch us there." He said. We quickly jumped on a tree. The werewolves couldn't catch us. They were just barking. But they didn't leave the place, it is like they knew that we will come down later. They were waiting for us to come down.

" Bravo! Look what we did. We saved ourselves from being the dinner of the werewolves, but we are going to be their breakfast tomorrow." I said. He laughed at me.

"What is so funny here?" I asked madly.

"They didn't leave yet. But they won't wait for us forever. When they will be hungry, they will leave to find another food." He said.

"Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded his head.

"Then how long we have to stay here?" I asked.

"Umm... I don't know. Maybe three days." He said, I furrowed.

"What!?" I asked.

"Don't worry. I was just kidding." He said and laughed.

"You are crazy. We are going to die and you are joking around." I said. The werewolves were still waiting for us to come down. The time was passing so slowly. We were waiting for them to leave. After a few hours, they left the place. Because sun was going to rise. And werewolf can't stay in the sunlight. They left the place and we came down.

"Oh I'm still feeling sleepy." Prince Frank said.

"But you were sleeping all the night and I was guarding you." I said.

"Oh really? Whatever let's find something to eat. I'm starving." He said. We started to walk. The forest was getting more and more deep.

"Wasn't your school going to come in this island for school camping?" I asked. He replied in the negetive.

"I don't think so. It is so big island amd also dangerous. Our school decided to go in a small island. It would be suitable for a school camping." He said. We were still walking. We found an apple tree. I took some apples and gave some to him.

"Again apple. We ate apple last night." He said annoyingly.

"Don't eat then." I said and began to eat an apple. He had no other choice. He started to eat that apple.

"How can we go back to the Palace?" He asked.

"Don't talk too much. Be quite." I said annoyingly. He stopped talking. We continued to walk again. We reached to a long river. It was quite beautiful. I sat on the bank of the river.

"Why are you sitting here?" He asked. I glared at him and he looked away from me. Suddenly we heard some noises. It was very scary. The noises were coming near to us.

"What is this noise?" Prince Frank asked.

"I also don't know." I replied.

"Let's run." I said and we started to run. But the noise was still coming to us. We were running and running. But the noise was coming to us very quickly. Suddenly a big anaconda show up. It was really scary and big.

"What now?" Prince Frank asked. I couldn't reply. It can't be the end. The anaconda was coming close to us. It was dark black. He had stripes on his body and an ancient mark on the back of his head.

"We have to fight." I said.

"Are you crazy? It's too dangerous." Prince Frank said shockingly.

"We have no other choice. So just fight until you die." I said and took out my sword. He also took out his sword. We started to fight with the black anaconda. I also used arrows. We couldn't beat him properly. We could not kill him but we had hurt him. I had hurt its eyes with my arrows.

"Let's run now." I said. Since it's injured, he won't be able to follow us too far. We tried to run faster. But we were very tired. The anaconda stopped following us. But it will show up again. We have to leave this island as soon as possible. But how?

To be continued....