Chapter 17

"We have to leave." I said.

"But how?" Prince Frank asked.

"I don't know. But we can't stay here." I said. He looked around. Then he started to walk.

"Where are you going?" I asked him. He looked back at me.

"To find a way out of here." He said. I started to follow him. We came to the seashore. He looked around.

"What are you looking for?" I asked.

"Try to get some help." He replied.

"But how? No ship is coming here." I said. Suddenly, the sky started to become dark. Looks like it's going to rain again.

"We have to find somewhere to stay." I said said and we began to run. The rain begins. We tried to find a cave and we get one. We entered the cave. It was very dark that we could not see anything. I found some woods in that cave. It seems that someone has been here before. We lit a fire there. The dark cave became illuminated. We sat beside the fire.

"I want to go back home." Prince Frank said sadly.

"Do you think I want to stay here? I'm having fun here?" I asked annoyingly. He rolled his eyes.

"We have to wait for a ship to come here. Until then, we have to stay here." I said. It was raining cats and dogs outside. The sky was lightning. Our clothes were wet. I had extra clothes in my bag but there was no place to change here.

"You are wet." Prince Frank said.

"So what?" I asked looking at him.

"You can change your clothes if you want. I'm not looking." He said.

"No need. I'm OK like this." I said.

"Why are you being shy? I have already seen you." He said, made me angry. I glared at him.

"I.. I was just kidding." He said nervously. The rain was not stopping. It was raining heavily. I was feeling hungry. But I couldn't go out to find some foods. Suddenly he took out some bread from his bag and gave me.

"Do you want this?" He asked.

"Where did you find it?" I asked him.

"Actually when I opened my bag, I found this. I didn't notice it before." He said. I took the bread and started to eat. It was still soft.

"We have been here for two days. Our school camp was supposed to be 3 days. So we have to wait one more day. Then a ship must come here to find us." He said.

"I hope so." I said. I was worried about grandma. I know that grandma doesn't know about it. She knew that I will be outside of the Palace for three days, but what if I won't be able to go back? I was really upset.

"Are you worried? About your grandma?" He asked suddenly. I nodded.

"Ever since I lost my parents, she has become the closest person to me." I said.

"You don't have anyone of your own. But you have someone who really cares about you. But look at me, I have everything and everyone. But nobody cares about me. You saw my younger sister. I could hardly see her. She never comes to see me. My parents doesn't talk to me much. I feel so lonely." He said. I didn't say anything.

"I don't have any siblings. So I can't feel your pain." I said rudely.

"Why are you being so rude? You were not like this." He said. I looked down at the ground. I was also thinking why I am being so rude. I was not like this.

"Do you hate me now? Because I am your enemy's son? Because my father had killed your father?" He asked me. I shook at his words. I looked shockingly at him. I could not understand what to say. I looked away from him. I didn't answer him.

"You don't need to answer. Anyways good night." He said and he went to a corner of the cave and sat down. I looked at the sky, it became clear. But the sky was dark. A fresh wind was blowing. I could feel the cold forest. I went to the other corner of the cave and sat down. I looked at Prince Frank. He was already asleep. I also closed my eyes and try to have a nap. When I opened, it was already morning. The birds were chirping outside. I looked around. But I couldn't see Prince Frank. Maybe he went outside. My head was aching. I stood up and came out. I looked around and tried to find Prince Frank. I walked around. He was nowhere. Suddenly I heard some noise. It was Frank's voice. He must be in any trouble. I ran to the voice. I saw him with a bear. I shoot an arrow. The bear looked at the arrow and ran away.

"Oh Thank God, you came." He said.

"Where is sword?" I asked.

"Actually, I forgot to take it with me." He replied.

"Fool." I said and made my way back to the cave.

"I found a mango tree and took some mangoes with me." He said and gave me two mangoes.

"Thanks." I thanked him and took the mangoes. We came back to the cave and sat down.

"What will we do now?" He asked me.

"Nothing. Just wait." I replied.

"Oh, I am exhausted." He said lay down. He is right. It is very boring to stay here. It is also dangerous.

"A ship must come for us." He said. I became very tired. I stood up and started to walk.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To make a boat. I can't wait anymore." I replied.

"But how?" He asked.

"Somehow. First let's find some woods or banana tree." I said, he thought for a while. Then he took his sword and started to walk with me. We tried to find some woods. But there was no suitable wood for making a strong boat. So we found some banana trees. I had some ropes. We tied up the banana trees together with the ropes. Now it can float in the water. We sat on that and began to float it with a long piece of wood.

To be continued....