Chapter 18

We have come a long way. But we have a long way to go. We can't go that far with this raft. It is not strong enough to go that far away. After a few way, we could see a city. We went there. The people of the city wanted to know our identity. Prince Frank told them everything. He also told them about his identity. The citizens showed their sympathy to us and helped us. They gave us a ship to return to the Palace. We get on the ship and returned to the Palace. At last, we came back here. Seeing us, grandma ran to us.

"Alex dear, finally you came back. Dear prince, how was your camping?" Grandma asked him. I didn't want her to know that he found my real identity. But I think he will tell her everything.

"The ship had drowned. We were in a dangerous island. But your grandson has a big brain. He made a raft and it helped us to come back. Anyways I am going to my room. You can have some rest, Alex." He said and left the place. I relieved that he didn't tell her anything. But what is his plan? Why didn't he tell her anything? I went to my room and took a shower. Then I went to the bed to take a nap. But I couldn't sleep. I think I should leave this Palace. Should I tell everything to grandma? I was very confused about all of this. Suddenly, someone knocked at my door.

"Come in." A soldier opened the door and entered my room.

"Prince Frank wants to see you." He said.

"OK. You can go now." I said and the soldier left my room. Why does the Prince want to see me. He said that I can have some rest. I get up from my bed and left my room. I went to his room. I knocked on his door and he allowed him to go in. I entered his room and saw him sitting on the chair. He was reading a book.

"You called me?" I asked. He nodded.

"Did you tell your grandma everything?" He asked. I replied in the negative.

"Good. I don't think that it will be good for her. She will be worried about it." He said.

"I don't think that you care about her. Why are you doing this? What is your plan?" I asked. He looked at me.

"Actually I don't have any plan. And as you said, I really don't care about that old lady. But I want you to stay." He replied.

"Then why do you want to hide it from her?" I asked.

"Because she won't trust me. She will try to save you from me.. That's why she will keep you away from me." He replied.

"Yes, she won't trust you. Neither me." I said.

"And what is the reason?" He asked.

"Reason!? You still want reason? My father believed your father. Commander George was my father's best friend. But he betrayed and killed him. So how do I believe you?" I said, he didn't say anything.

"You can leave now." He said and began to read the book again. I left the room and walked along the long corridor. I was thinking about his past. Is he really like his father? I had heard that he was adopted. It means that king George is not his biological father. That's why he is a little bit different from this family. He never get any care from them. But why did they adopted him? They even don't love him. Also his sister doesn't care about him. They all know that he was adopted. But he doesn't know this. He loves them but they don't.

"Alex, how are you?" Suddenly, princess Florence broke my meditation.

"Oh Princess! I am sorry I didn't notice you. I am fine." I said.

"How was your camping? I heard that the ship sank." She said. I nodded.

"Are you OK? I hope you didn't get any hurt." She asked.

"I am alright. But Prince Frank..."

"Who asked you about him? I don't want to hear anything about him. He is just useless." I couldn't finish my words. She stopped me and left the place. I was thinking right. His family doesn't care about him. I went to grandma's room to see her. She was already asleep with the lights on. I cleaned her room and turned off the lights before leaving the room.

I went back to my room. I turned off the lights and then lay down on the bed. I looked at the window. I could see the sky from the window. The sky was full of stars. The moonlight was entering my room from that window. It was so silent and cold. A fresh cold wind entered my room. I get up from the bed and went near to the window. The air was very fresh and cold. I untied my hair and then closed my eyes. I could feel the cold sky. It was feeling like heaven. A sweet fragrance was coming close to me. It was very sweet familiar. Suddenly a warm hand touched my shoulder. I looked back. It was Prince Frank.

"When did you come here?" I asked shockingly.

"Just now." He replied and stood beside me. "The sky looks happy right?" He asked looking at the sky.

"I didn't understand." I said.

"The sky was so lonely. Because he had no moon or stars the previous day. But today the moon showed up. That's why I am saying this." He said.

"I hope you didn't mind at my words." I said nervously.

"Which one?" He asked.

"When you called me in your room." I replied.

"Why do I mind? It's natural for you. And also, you were right." He said looking at me.

"But I was thinking about something." He said.

"And what is that?" I asked him.

"Why doesn't anyone care about me? Why I'm not like them?" He asked, made me speechless. I can't say him the truth. He can't know this.

To be continued...