Chapter 19

"Why are you silent?" He asked looking at me. I looked shockingly at him. I was in another world.

"Oh nothing. I was just thinking." I replied.

"Oh I see. Anyways I think I'm disturbing you. I should go now." He said and made his way to the door. He left the room and closed the door. I went back to my bed and lay down on it. I closed my eyes and fall asleep.

I woke up early in the morning. Then refreshed myself and went to my work. First I went to the Prince's room to wake him up. When I entered his room, I saw him awaken. He was sitting on the chair.

"Didn't you sleep last night?" I asked. He nodded his head in the negative.

"Are you sick?" I asked. He nodded his head again.

"OK then, come to the downstairs now." I said.

"I will have breakfast in my room." He said in a rude voice.


"Just do as I said. Bring my breakfast here." He growled at me. I left his room and went to the kitchen to bring his breakfast. While I was taking this to his room, the Queen saw me.

"Where are you taking this?" She asked.

"Prince is feeling unwell. So he wants to have his breakfast in his room." I lied. Because, if she knows that Prince is alright but doesn't want to have his breakfast with his family, she will be so mad at him.

"OK" She said and left the place. How cruel! She didn't ask about his sickness?! After all she is not his real mother. I went to his room with the breakfast. He was still sitting on that chair. I took the tray in front of him. He was still quite.

"Is something wrong?" I asked nervously.

"No." He replied.

"Then what is wrong with your face?" I asked in fear. He looked at me with his rude eyes. I looked away from him.

"Do you know too?" He asked in a serious voice. I became confuse. I could not understand what he was talking about. I looked at him with my confused eyes.

"What? What do I know?" I asked confusingly. He stood up and walked to me.

"I have been adopted, haven't I?" He asked in a trembling voice. I shocked at his question. I made my head down, didn't say anything.

"Talk to me. Aniya talk to me. Please." He said. I couldn't say anything. I wanted to tell him the truth, but I couldn't.

"Look at me. Tell me the truth." He growled at me grabbing my chin.

"They had killed my parents right?" He asked with his tearful eyes. I nodded my head.

"Tell me everything. I want to know my real story." He said letting my chin go. I took a long breath before talking to him.

"Commander George was an assistant commander. And your real father was commander Petros. When you were only 2 years old, George poisoned your family to take your father's place. Then he adopted you." I said in a trembling voice. Tears flow down from his eyes.

"But why did he adopted me? Why didn't he kill me too?" He asked shockingly.

"Because he wanted a son. But he had no son. He had been making a big plan to be the king from the beginning. So he needed a son to protect his thrown. A prince can protect the thrown very well. So he adopted you." I said. He tried to control himself.

"How do you know all this things?" He asked looking at me.

"Master Qing told me that." I replied.

"He knew, then why didn't he tell all of this to your father?" He asked angrily.

"Because he had no proof. At first, I also didn't believe that. But now I believe all of this." I replied. He sat down on the chair sadly.

"Why didn't you tell me before? You could use me against the king to get your father's revenge." He asked looking at the floor.

"I didn't want to do that. I know what it feels like to lose a family. When you know that someone killed your family and the killer is in front of you but you can't kill him, it hurts like hell. I know that pain and I didn't want anyone to feel this pain." I said.

"I have decided." He said.

"What?" I asked shockingly.

"I won't leave this family. I won't let them know that I know everything. I will help you to get revenge and also get mine." He said. I looked at him.

"But how do you know all this things?" I asked nervously.

"Last night while I was coming back from your room, I heard the king and the queen. They was saying that they made a big mistake in adopting me." He said, I understood.

"Anyways, have you any plan? You can trust me now." He said looking at me.

"I had a plan but it won't work." I said.

"What was it?" He asked.

"I need master Qing. But I didn't find him." I said.

"No problem. I will find him. But what is your plan?" He asked.

"I will tell you later. First find Master Qing." I said, he nodded. I left his room and went back to my work. Suddenly I met grandma.

"What is wrong? Are you worried about something?" She asked.

"No grandma, I'm feeling alright. Just I have some works to do. I will talk to you later." I said.

"Nowadays, you are not paying much attention to me. Are you really busy or worried?" She asked worryingly.

"I'm fine. Just feeling tired. I am going now." I said and left the place. I can't let her know about all this things. Prince Frank told me to took some flowers. So I went to the garden. I was taking some flowers in the basket. Suddenly, The queen came to the garden. I bowed my head in front of her. She looked rudely at me.

To be continued.....