Chapter 23

We reached the middle of the forest. Master Qing was already there. We I got down from our horses.

"You two came here to early today." He shocked to see us in this time.

"Actually we had no work, so we came for training." Prince Frank said. Master Qing looked at me and understood that he was lying. Master didn't say anything and started to walk. We followed him. He took us to a place. He gave us a needle and yarn.

"Insert yarn into the needle." He said. We tried to do that. I tried it twice but I couldn't do that. But I didn't lose hope. I tried again steadily. And the third time, I was able to do that.

"Finished master." I said and give it to him. I looked at Prince Frank and saw that he still couldn't do that. He tried again and again.

"What is this? Why can't I do that?" He said throwing the needle and the yard.

"Be patient. Aniya was able to do that because she tried it steadily. But you are trying it angrily. If you become steady and patient, you will be able to do anything you want." Master Qing said and Prince Frank got the point. He picked up the yarn and needle and tried again steadily. He tried again and again but he kept failing. But he didn't lose hope. And once he was able to do that.

" I made it." Master Qing smiled at him and then he taught us some more martial arts. In the afternoon, he told us to leave. We thanked him and left the forest. We came to the horses. We stopped to see princess Florence there.

"I knew that something was going wrong. So I was right." We shocked to see her. I was scared about her from the first. Now she caught us.

"So Will you tell everything to father or I will?" She made us scared. She must tell everything to her father.

"Florence, don't be silly. Don't tell father. You are my sister right?" Prince Frank tried to calm her.

"I'm not your sister. And you are not my brother. I'm gonna tell everything to father. Princess Aniya will die." She said.

"Oh princess, how silly you are! You came here alone. Now what if we don't let you go?" I said her.

"What do you think about me. I am not that silly. I brought with me two soldiers who are hiding behind the bushes." Her tongue slipped. I quickly took two arrows in my hand and shoot them together.

"Ouch!" Maybe they died. Prince Frank went behind the bushes to check.

"They are dead. Now what Florence?" Prince Frank said. Princess Florence got scared.

"Shit." She ran to her horse and quickly got on. We also got on our horses and followed her. She tried to get out of the forest. But we knew every short cut of this forest. We took the short cut and soon, we caught her.

"Let's have a break now." We took us to master Qing.

"You two again?" He surprised to see us here again. We explained everything to him.

"Don't worry. She will be fine with me." He kept her with him. We left her there. We left the forest and came back to the Palace. I was really scared about all this things.

"Frank when the king and queen won't find their daughter, what will we do?" I asked worryingly.

"Don't worry. They will think that she has been kidnapped." He said calmly. But I was still worrying. He went to his room and I followed him there.

"You still looks worried. Sit down here." I sat down beside him on the bed.

"Come on, don't worry about it so much. They will understand everything if they see you like this." He said. I stood up and went to the window.

"Don't forget that we are at a war. We have to do many things to win." He said, I understood what he wanted to say.

"You are right. I am worrying too much about it." I said and looked at him.

"Let's made a plan now." I sat beside him.

"What plan?" He asked.

"Any plan. Look we have his daughter, how about we tell him that?" I asked him. He thought for a moment and then looked at back me.

"I don't think that it will be a good idea. King George is too clever. He will trick us and then kill us." He said. I looked at floor and started to think of a new plan.

"Aniya, let's just wait for the right time to come. The time will tell us what to do." He said looking at me.

"OK." I said looking back at him. Suddenly someone knocked at the door. I stood up.

"Come in." A soldier came in.

"Prince Frank, Queen wants to meet you." A soldier came in and said bowing down.

"Let her come in." He said and stood up. The Queen came in and I bowed my head in front of her.

"Did you see Florence? I can't find her anywhere in the Palace." She asked worryingly. We said that we didn't see her.

"Maybe she has gone somewhere." Prince Frank said.

"She never leaves the Palace without my permission." She left the room with a very worried face.

"She is very worried about her daughter." I said looking at the door.

"Simple. Every mother loves her daughter." He said walking to the balcony. I walked to him and looked down from the balcony. The soldiers were finding the princess everywhere.

"Don't worry about them. Let them find her." Prince Frank said an walked inside his room again. The time was passing away. But no one find the princess. Some soldiers tried to find her outside the Palace. But they didn't find her anywhere. Only I and Prince Frank knew about her.

It's night, but they still couldn't find her. Queen was crying for her daughter. The king was also worried.

To be continued....