Chapter 24

The next morning, I went to Master Qing with Prince Frank. We knocked at his door. He opened the door.

"Come in." We went inside the hut. We looked around the room. But there was no one.

"Where is she?" I asked him surprisingly. He didn't say anything. He walked to his bed and and kicked on the floor with his feet. The bed moved away from its position. There was a secret door under the bed. He checked the main door if it was locked correctly. Then he opened the secret door and walked in.

"Follow me." We followed him. We went inside the door, then closed the door and pulled a rope. We heard a strange sound from outside. Maybe the bed got back to its position again. We walked down the stairs. There was a secret room. We entered the room. Princess Florence was sitting on a small bed.

"You, you will pay for this." Seeing us, she stood up and started to shout.

"So you put her here? You are so smart Master." Prince Frank impressed to see this secret place.

"What did you think? I would keep her in that poor hut? I am not that silly." Master Qing said looking at him.

"Master, I hope no one can find her." I said. He looked at me.

"You think too much. Don't worry. No one can see or find her. Even they can't hear her voice also." He relieved me.

"I will run away from here. Understand? You can't win this game." She shouted at us.

"Shouting on us won't work Florence." Prince Frank said.

"I will made this witch die. She will die for sure. Listen carefully Frank, you and your Master will die with her too." She said looking at us.

"Let's leave her alone now." I said. We left the room. Master locked the door carefully. We left the secret place. We came out of the hut and went to the river side.

"Master we have to finish our lessons quickly. I don't think we have so much time." I said worryingly.

"Not possible. Listen princess, if you try to learn everything quickly, then you won't be able to learn well any of them. So be patient." Master Qing said. He started to train us and we learnt many martial arts. We came back to the Palace in the evening. The Queen ran to us.

"Did you find my daughter?" She asked curiously.

"Um.. Queen, we couldn't find her anywhere?" We replied. She cried again.

"Where did she go?" She cried and left the place.

"We can't say her anything? Be careful." Prince Frank said and went back to his room. I also followed him.

"Let's go now." I said.

"Where?" He asked looking at me.

"Just follow me." I said and walked to the door. He followed me. I took him to the secret garden. Actually I made a surprise party for him. Because today was his birthday. I also called his friends to attend the party.

"Surprise." He shocked to see everyone there. Grandma was also there. The king forbade him to celebrate his birthday. That's why we organized it. He had a great time with his friends. He enjoyed the party. The party ends at night. Everyone was tired and went back to home. I took grandma to her room. And then I went to Prince Frank's room.

"I'm going back to my room. Do you need anything else?" I asked him.

"Thanks." He said holding my hands.

"You don't need to thank me." I said placing my hand on his shoulder.

"OK good night." I said and left the room.

The next day, I went to the garden. The king was there. Seeing him I had to bow my head down.

"I always see you here and there. Don't you have works to do?" He asked rudely.

"Prince Frank told me to take some flowers for his room." I replied looking at the ground.

"Why does he need flowers everyday?" He asked rudely and left the place. I looked at him and saw his evil eyes.

"I have to bow down before you now. But it's not for so long." I whispered to myself and left the place.

While I was walking through the corridor, I heard the king. He was talking to his assistant Alan in his chamber.

"King, I suspect that boy named Alex. He is too weird. And Prince Frank always protects him." Alan said to King George.

"I doubt him too. Alan keep an eye on that boy. Maybe he knows where my daughter is." King George said.

"OK King. But what about finding princess Aniya?" Alan asked.

"Keep searching. I don't believe anything." King George said.

"King, I think if Princess Aniya is alive, she may have sent Alex here." Alan said, this words made me shivered. King George became speechless to hear that.

"Alan you are brilliant. Why didn't I think this before? Keep an eye on him. Give me every news of him." King George said. I left the place immediately. I was shivering that I couldn't walk. I sat down on the stairs and began to think. My brain wasn't working. Everything seems annoying to me. I quickly stood up and went to Prince Frank's room.

"Aniya! What happened? You are looking very tired." He said walking to me.

"Stop calling me by that name. King George suspects me." I said in a trembling voice.

"Calm down first. Come, sit down here." I sat down on the bed and took a deep breath.

"Now tell me what happened." I explained everything to him. He shocked to hear that. He also became worried.

"We knew that one day it will happen. We knew from the very first." He said looking at the ground.

"Let's go to Master Qing. Let's tell him everything." He said looking at me.

"Not possible. King George had told his men to keep an eye on me. They will surely follow me." I said. He looked away from me.

"You are right. Then how about sending letters by the pigeon?" He asked.

"I said that they will follow me. So they will surely check the letter." I said.

"They will follow you, not me. So I will send letters to Master Qing. What do you think?" He asked. I looked at him confusingly. I was not sure if it was a good idea or not. But we need to find a way.

To be continued...