Not Sorry

"My head hurts...'

Felix could still hear Asher's crying in his ears. 

It made Felix hate himself for being the cause of all the problems. 

He regretted it so much. 

He regretted letting Asher suffer along with him.

He felt really bad.

There were a lot of times he even got up to go and open the door for Asher so he could ask him not to cry.

He wanted to do it.

But he didn't want to do it at the same time or maybe, he didn't know how to do it. He was genuinely afraid of what kind of a reaction Asher would have to anything he was going to say.

He wanted to see Asher so badly.

But he was sure he would look like a big mess that definitely will be shown as a burden to Asher.

He thought of his mother as a burden.

So...this must be the karma.

Felix felt so mad that karma didn't come to him before he felt life was beautiful. He hated it that he did not become like this before he met Asher.