
"...Is he really going crazy? Can't we help him?"

Asher asked Sir Lucas, feeling really helpless. 

"I don't think he is going crazy. He doesn't show any progress for that end. This might be just some random incident. Or…indeed could be an early sign too. But, I am sure he is not going crazy now. But he is already convinced he has no way out. That's the annoying thing. He doesn't listen to anything I say at all. Haa..."

Lucas complained and Asher, following a moment of silence, mumbled how he also felt about this situation.

"...I feel lost."

Lucas looked at him and left a long sigh.

"Let's do something Asher. Don't worry. Me and Karl obviously won't let him rot like this. Let's figure out a way. If you can, try convincing him he is not going crazy."


Asher discussed his problems with sir Lucas yet he seemed to never find reassurance.

He felt like he was losing the duke.