Chapter 26 Flight

It's just a pity that you can't fly.

At the mention of flying, Rand couldn't help but regain his footing.


With a strong and powerful boom, the dragon wings behind fully unfolded.

The thick black skeleton is red flesh membrane, which is densely covered with the fine dark red lines like lightning, which along with Rand's breathing, flickers and shimmers, demonic beyond compare.

This is the first time Rand opened the dragon wings after more than three years, there is a feeling of unbinding.

The dragon wings are very large, and when fully expanded, they directly envelop the small dragons on either side in shadow.

Initially, the wingspan was estimated to be about twenty-five meters!

When the two little dragons saw this, they could not help but reveal a trace of envy.

They also stood up from the ground and opened their dragon wings, but they looked especially petite in front of Rand.

The little female dragon's wingspan was about eight meters, while the little black dragon, only about seven meters.

Each was completely enveloped by a piece of Rand's dragon wings.

"Rand! Your dragon wings are so big and long and sturdy oh~ you must be able to fly now."

The little female dragon looked on with some envy, feeling that this brother was somewhat imposing.

"Not only Rand can fly, we should be able to too!" The little black dragon Ed added on the side.

"Then let's give it a try! Who can be the first to fly!" The little female dragon suddenly got excited.

Dragons are born for six years.

The first three years were too young and the dragon wings were not fully developed to carry their dream of flying.

But now that another three years have passed, they should be well developed as young dragons and try to learn to fly.

Only dragons that can fly can be called gigantic dragons, those that can't fly are called earth dragons!

"Good! Then let's give it a try! If you learn it before me, I'll reward you with one copper plate per dragon! Hahaha! Work hard!"

Rand was in a great mood, and with a flick of his dragon wings, he set off a gust of wind in place, and the weeds on the ground looked like they had been crushed by a tank.

Damn it! Cheapskate! You could have done without adding that latter sentence.

The two little dragons listened to Rand's words with some contempt in their hearts, but on the surface they still acted happy:.

"Really? Thank you so much, Rand! You really are our brother, other dragons are not as generous as you at all."

"Hahaha! Who made me the big brother! It's only right to spoil you guys a bit!"

Rand was satisfied with the good behavior of the two dragons, and laughed happily.

"Then let's get started! Our flight race!"

Rand said, first step up wildly, because it was the first time, he needed to help run.

According to the memory in the dragon's heritage, desperately stirred the wings.

Surrounded by hundreds of meters of grass on the ground, are suppressed by the powerful wind pressure, is behind the reaction of the two small dragons in the wake of following.

Are affected by some, the speed inevitably slowed down! Simply can not take off in this environment.

"Too despicable! Rand!" The two little dragons shouted.

"Hahahaha! I'm an evil dragon!"

Rand was not angry, as a five-colored dragon, being called an evil dragon to his face, which is usually a compliment.

His hind legs fiercely stirred, scampered forward, and the dragon wings behind him also increased the incitement in an instant.

Dragons are magical creatures, and flight does not rely on pure physical strength.

They have a unique blood vessel attached to their heart, and the blood in their body is endowed with magical power by the blood vessel as it circulates everywhere else.

When you want to fly, you will instinctively generate some strange power to assist in flight.

But even so, for a dragon trying to fly for the first time, the first time to succeed is a difficult thing.

Rand swayed only 30 or 40 meters off the ground before a gust of air swept over his body and he plunged toward the ground!


Smashed by the weight of thirty or forty tons.

The whole ground shook several times, and the two small dragons who were just ready to take off fell to the ground directly.

They glared at Rand in anger and shame.

Then saw Rand like nothing dragons generally, regained his body.

The ground also under this smash, the average sunk a few ten centimeters.

The middle part is even sunken 30 to 40 centimeters of exaggerated crater.

A thin crack radiated to the periphery, like a spider web.

The two small dragons saw this, immediately obediently shut their mouths.

Better stop talking, in case the bastard tries to fly later and accidentally lands on their heads, they might be crushed into meatloaf!

That would be nailed to the pillar of shame of the gargoyles.

"Sure enough, it's always a little harder the first time." Rand shook his head a little, this time falling, he did not feel any pain.

It's no wonder, it's just a 30 or 40 meter fall, for the thick-skinned dragon, it's nothing.

But what if it's high enough?

Will it fall to death?

His heart stuttered, but immediately shook his head and lost his smile.

You're kidding, how can there be dragons who fall to their death from flying in this world?

That will certainly be engraved into the memory of all dragons and become an eternal joke.

The dragon's heritage is not there, so it must not be.

The sudden thought was not taken seriously.

Rand resumed his dash forward, then jumped and flew.

After one fall, two falls, and three falls, he seemed to get the hang of flying, and although still a bit wobbly, he kept flying forward, to high.

The distance to the ground slowly went from tens of meters, to hundreds of meters! Even finally thousands of meters.

Everything on the ground was shrinking as he climbed higher in stature.

This made Rand beat a sense of satisfaction.

The wind whistled around him, and everything under his feet was as small and pitiful as ants.

All creatures should look up to his greatness!

That's right, that's the feeling!

This is how a dragon should be!

"Ow-ho!" Rand let out a joyful roar, countless air currents rushed through his body, and he began to play with flowers.

One moment while flying upward, a moment began to swoop downward, and the speed was getting faster and faster, even breaking through the speed of a hundred kilometers per hour!

In his flight path, leaving behind a little flash of starfire.

The sky for this reason appeared a kilometer-long trajectory of red sparks, flickering and dreamy beauty.

The occasional human on the ground looked up, and thought they saw a good fortune, have smiled, closed their eyes to pray to the gods of faith, they can have a good luck this year.

The two small dragons on the ground after several failed attempts to fly, suddenly found that Rand actually flew farther and farther away.

At first they were a little envious of Rand's natural ability, but as it completely disappeared into thin air nearly half a child later.

The two young dragons began to get restless.

"Ed! Why do I feel something is wrong, Rand why is he not back now." The young female dragon looked up at the sky where Rand had flown away and was a bit restless.

The long tail lashed the ground one by one, making a snapping sound.

Little black dragon Ed blinked and said pretending not to care: "The first time to fly, it is inevitable that some excitement, even Rand seems to be no exception."

"Well, that's true." The little female dragon dawned, and afterwards showed the same careless look.

Time gradually passed.

The two young dragons tried to fly a few more times, all ended in failure.

Then they had to give up for the time being and waited in place until the sun slowly set ...

The two young dragons finally couldn't help but panic!