Chapter 27 Orcs and Nature Elves

"Ede! How dare you bastard deceive the great Lord Fiona, the King of Red Dragons!"

The little female dragon was anxious, glaring viciously at the little black dragon, hot air gushing wildly from her nostrils.

"I cheated you? Where did I lie to you?" The little black dragon froze for a moment, somewhat unsure.

"You clearly said before that Rand would come back! But he hasn't come back until now!" The little female dragon said angrily.

"I ... how do I know? He is him, I am me, when he will come back, how can I say accurate ah! What kind of deception is this?

That bastard might have fallen from the air and died! Or he might have been found by the adventurers and killed!"

The little black dragon was equally anxious, but even more angry at the little female dragon's unreasonable behavior, and spoke back in a very unfriendly tone.

"Roar! I don't care! Rand didn't come back! You're the one who's cheating the great Fiona! Watch and fight!"

The little female dragon didn't care about the little black dragon's explanation, she rushed towards the little black dragon brutally and unreasonably, flipped him over and then pinned him to the ground and gave him a beating.

The little black dragon's screams rang out repeatedly.

The little black dragon was beaten badly, it is difficult to say that it is entirely because of the disappearance of Rand, perhaps before in the mine first escape is also very important reason.

Two small dragons because of the loss of Rand the protector, look very uneasy ...

And what about Rand at the moment?

That said, he is now flying faster and faster, higher and higher, the wind pounded on top of the scale armor, but there is a gentle slow press of meaning, unexpectedly some comfortable.

This allows him to close his eyes, the whole body and mind relaxed to enjoy the feeling when flying.

Until ...

A head also do not know whether it is stupid, or lack of heart, wingspan of about ten meters of huge roc bird crashed into Rand body!

The moment of high-speed collision, the roc in a scream, then split apart! The whole sky dyed with a layer of blood mist!

And Rand also after this impact, completely lost his balance, spinning the ground to fall!

He tried hard to beat his dragon wings, trying to restore his balance.

But this is the first time he encountered this kind of problem, that is, there is no precedent in the Dragon's heritage.

The more he flapped his dragon wings, the worse his balance became!

His heart was a little panicked.


The border of Haisen Kingdom and Lane Kingdom.

A lush green grassland and forest area.

Hundreds of strong-bodied Orcs, clad in animal skins and armed with bone weapons were confronting a group of Nature Elves.

Orcs, is the combination of orcs and other humanoid races born down life.

They have a strong body, rough turquoise skin, and thick tusks.

They have inherited the bloodline of the orcs and as a whole are neither inclined to good nor evil, but the vast majority of those who have lived with orcs are usually evil and warlike.

Nature elves are a branch of elves, just as there are five-colored dragons, metal dragons, gem dragons among the dragons in general.

Elves are also a very broad branch of the race.

There are dark elves, nature elves, sun elves, blood elves, etc., their philosophy of survival, more or less different.

This group of nature elves are comparable in number to the Orcs, and are not a large tribe.

They were dressed in grass skirts and grass clothes, regardless of their gender, and held weapons made of hardwood in their hands.

The two sides looked extremely unfriendly, eyeing each other with gaze of hostility.

In the forefront of the Orcs, there was a strong Orc with one eye, clad in leather armor and holding a wolf tooth stick.

And at the forefront of the nature elves was a female nature elf with a flower crown on her head, her body entwined with vines, her head full of green hair holding a wooden staff.

"Gew-Shattered Skull! Once again, you Orcs have broken your oath and violated the territory that should be ours! And killed one of our clansmen! Today you must give us an explanation! Otherwise, I will make you pay in blood!"

The woman at the front of the Nature Elves shouted loudly, her voice full of anger, and her pair of beautiful eyes welling up with rage.

"Gew Shattered Skull has not accounted for! You lowly elves! Time and time again, you let food that should be in our territory into the forest! Obstructing our food!

Do you think the wise Gwlad the Skull doesn't know that? You want to starve the strong Orcs in this way? To defeat the strong Orcs?

Impossible! Today, the Orcs of the Boulder Tribe will destroy you all! If you want to live, hand over all the food that you have raised in the forest!"

In front of the Orc troop, the leader, Gew Shattered Skull, pointed his wolf tooth stick angrily at the Elves, and also roared, his rugged face was full of ruthlessness.

"Hand it over! Hand it over!" The rest of the Orcs shouted.

Wave after wave of roar, the sound of a great momentum.

"Shameless! This is no excuse for you to attack and kill us elves!

Every life has the right to choose its own living environment! The animals that enter the forest are just trying to avoid being killed by you!

We elves never wanted to have any contact with you!

But you have killed one elf after another over the years! Do you really think we elves are weak and vulnerable? If we don't give an answer today! War will come!"

The elven leader seemed to use magic, obviously not loud, but clear to every orc's ears.

"Account! War! War! War!"

The elves similarly let out a loud, defiant roar.

"The Orcs of the Monolith Tribe have never feared war! War only makes us stronger! Damned elves all give death to Gew Shattered Skull!!!"

The Orc leader roared furiously, and without waiting for the Elves to continue, he directly waved his wolf tooth stick, and hundreds of Orcs rushed madly towards the Elves!

"A bunch of damned lunatics! We elves will never give in this time! My people! To protect the forest! To protect our people! Let's fight them!"

The elven leader gritted his teeth with a face of indignation, while giving the order to attack!

In a flash.

A roar of beasts appeared in the elves' camp.

A dozen elves roared wildly and turned into fierce beasts whose physique was far above ordinary animals.

Black leopards, strong tigers, huge brown bears, and porcupines, and even giant eagles flying in the sky.

Throughout the elven rear array, there was even a group of elven hunters with hardwood bows shooting arrows to wound one charging orc, but it was hard to shoot to death.

These Orcs have a very strong life, and the will to fight!

As long as there is still a breath in, even if there are a dozen arrows stuck in the body, will not stop fighting!

Other elves used natural magic to make grass grow savagely and entangle one charging Orc.

"Roar!!! The Orcs of the Monolith Tribe never fear bloodshed!"

The Orc chief bursts out and quickly swings his wolf tooth stick to knock down the arrows shot at him one by one, and the crazy green grass wraps around him and is broken free by brute force.

The Orc leader's charge is unstoppable!

Under his leadership, the orcs are like giant waves, constantly surging towards the elves!