Chapter 15: Cultivation Tower

What Yun Jing can't understand from Gu Jin's expression?

He coughed to hide his excitement and gazed at Gu Jin with admiration.

"What is your bank account number? I will transfer the money."

Gu Jin was stunned hearing this.

She shook her head and said, "I don't have a bank account or mobile phone."

Remembering Gu Jin's background, Yun Jing sighed emotionally

"I will give you cash, but I don't have it with me now. Give 5 me minutes."

Thinking that he doesn't even have 500 yuan cash, Gu Jin showed a disdainful look.

Seeing her disdainful look Yun Jing laughed lightly.

"Child, I usually prefer bank transfer rather than cash. And who would carry 500 Magic Stones with them."

Stunned Gu Jin repeated, "500 Magic Stones?"

1 Magic stone was equivalent to 10,000 yuan in this world.

So, 500 Magic stones were equivalent to 5 million yuan.

Just now, when she said 500 yuan, Yun Jing took it as 500 Magic Stones.

Seeing her stunned look, Yun Jing felt guilty.

After all what he actually understood was 500 million, which the current Yun Jing didn't have.

In the past 1 billion was his monthly income but now it was reduced to 1 million.

Might be Gu Jin is feeling indignant.

After all, such a difficult poison was cured by her but he just gave her 5 million.

He still remembered that to consult the Master Level Poison Master he paid around 10 million.

Thinking so he decided to give her some benefits.

He rummaged through his storage ring and soon found 5 to 7 items.

"This all I have that is suitable for the current you."

He introduced a locket,

"This locket helps to increase your mana and strengthen its foundation of it. Once the mana is strong enough, an element can be awakened. Sometimes you don't even need Magic Stones to awaken the elements, an Unyi is awakened."

Yun Jing paused suddenly.

Changing the topic, he pointed to the Magic Shield, "This Shield is called Magic Shield, this shield can protect you from the attack of a Soldier Level Beast which is equivalent to Supreme-Level Mage. I just happen to acquire a new shield so you can keep it."

"And this Magic Book, Argh, you can insert your Magical Elements power inside it and it will automatically open the page of spells related to that element. I have two of these books."

"These are some books on your minor, you can read them and get a general idea of which profession you like and is most proficient in."

"Also I have these 2 sets of Female Cultivation Clothes."

Hearing the word Cultivation Cloth, Gu Jin's interest was piqued and she asked,

"What is Cultivation Clothes?"

Stunned Yun Jing laughed before answering, "It helps to increase the speed of your meditation and cultivation."

"How so?"

"The clothes are engraved with runes and when the runes are written in a proper combination, they can increase one's power, or cultivation speed, or meditation speed, or they could be used to create cultivation techniques."


Gu Jin never thought that such a thing existed.

"In fact, that is why a Rune Master is respected so much."

"Anyways, here the last thing I want to give you is this ring."

Yun Jing remained silent.

Gu Jin waited for his explanation but no explanation came out of his mouth.

"I don't know the functionality of this ring, I sometimes wonder if it is useless."

Gu Jin took the ring and was surprised to find that, that ring looks as if it is the 2nd part of Gizem, the ring given by her grandfather.

She nodded indifferently but bubbles of excitement were brewing inside her mind.

Today she has not only gained 5 million yuan but also 6 magic items.

However Yun Jing was not done yet, "I have a piece of the intellect of Fujio City. I am not sure if I will be able to look into the matter but since you have helped me so much I will give it to you."

"Last thing that I have is the token for Cultivation Tower. You can cultivate for 3 months without any obstruction."

Hearing his words stars appeared in Gu Jin's eyes.