Chapter 16: Relative

Cultivation Tower was a tower owned by Magic School Academy, 100 credits points were required to exchange for 1 hour to cultivate in Cultivation Tower.

An average student has to work for the entire day to earn 100 credits point.

Wasn't 3 months of cultivation tower's token equivalent to 220,800 credit points?

Gu Jin took the token and the ring.

Feeling thrilled, she missed Yun Jing's guilty expression.

All the things together were worth around 40 million only.

Even though it may seem a lot to others, curing a Grandmaster-Level poison within 3 hours was unheard of.

"Sir thank you so much."

While saying so Gu Jin's face was expressionless, but in actuality, she was dancing with delight in her mind.

Isn't she rich now?

She was wondering how to earn money and see the money has come right at her door.

Yun Jing on the other hand felt that the word 'thank you' sounded particularly forced.

He suddenly made a decision before saying slowly,

"Gu Jin, I will departure tonight, I will go in seclusion to cultivate, once I reach the Wordly Mage, I will take my revenge and return to pay my debt back."

The word Wordly Mage caught her attention but what attracted her attention more was Yun Jing's departure.

"Sir, are you leaving?"


Yun Jing turned towards the scorching sun and said to Gu Jin

"Gu Jin, you will be all by yourself from now on, remember to hide your brilliance from others, until and unless you are capable enough to let others see you shine."

Understanding his meaning Gu Jin nodded.

Her knowledge of medicine and her unique body could be a disaster for her if known by others.

After a while, Yun Jing handed Gu Jin 500 Magic Stones.

They talked for a bit before Gu Jin left for her class.

Shortly after she left, a white cat with a golden strip appeared in Yun Jing's room.


Reaching her class, Gu Jin found that the lecture was over.

Having no choice Gu Jin went to her dorm room.

She studied things inside the storage ring.

Yes when Yun Jing saw that Gu Jin didn't even have a storage ring, he gave her one.

Gu Jin wore the locket and started her cultivation.

After 14 hours.

Gu Jin opened her eyes.

It was midnight.

Knock Knock.

A knock sounded on the window.

Gu Jin opened the window and found Yun Jing flying outside her window with help of his wing equipment.

Yun Jing's current aura was completely different from the previous boorish aura.

"Gu Jin I am leaving. Thank you so much for helping, you are my savior. I don't have any precious thing with me now but once I find anything useful for you I will send it."

"My origin is quite complicated and I can't tell it to you for now, but I will one day. I know you are a genius, I felt it the moment I entered the class."

"I have this feeling that you won't stay here for more than 5 years, and I have a recommendation for you if you ever want to leave this place."

"Go to Beijing, I have asked an expert to take care of you. He will personally guide you. Also, the principal of this school is a relative of mine if you encounter trouble in the future go to him."

Gu Jin nodded emotionally.

Yun Jing was the second person in this world to help her, she will remember this kindness.

"Lastly take care."

Gu Jing nodded.

"You too."

After Yun Jing left, Gu Jin decided to cultivate for 1 hour more before sleeping.

A green mist suddenly surrounded her.

Gu Jin was stunned, she went into a defensive posture.


Gu Jin felt as if a chain was unlocked from her body.

She hurriedly entered her Magic Space.

The green element was awakened.

All the other Mana was shining too, it was all because of the locket's effect.

The locket was indeed useful.

Gu Jin saw the full Unyi and was thrilled.

Finally, she could try to control Unyi.

Controlling an Unyi wasn't an easy task, it required a lot of patience, concentration, and perseverance.


After 2 weeks,

Gu Jin cultivated for 2 weeks straight.

During these 2 weeks, Gu Jin understood Ren Aiguo's words were true.

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