Chapter 17: Galaxy

All those arrogant children were able to cultivate 3 hours straight now.

Not only that, their meditating environment was helping them achieve half the efforts twice the result effects.

Gu Jin was shocked by their speed.

Her highest was 17 hours.

She knew that if she remained like this, she would be soon left out.

Feeling helpless, Gu Jin went to her dorm room.

During these 2 weeks, many people mocked her.

But Gu Jin ignored everyone.

Now her schedule was fully packed and she didn't have time to waste on them.

She will wake up at 5 am, and cultivate while wearing the Female Cultivator Clothes.

At 7 am she will go to classes, and return by noon, after that she will cultivate till 8'o clock with a minor dinner break.

From 8 pm to 3 am she will practice control on Unyi.

Her sleep time was reduced to 2 hours, but her effects were still the same as those arrogant classmates.

Gu Jin yet still decided to persist.

These days Gu Jin was feeling as if she was on the verge to control Unyi.

On that night,

Gu Jin was focusing on controlling the Unyi.

She slowly pulled Unyi and started drawing her energy in her hands, slowly the energy was accumulating on her hand.

"Plant Spikes"

A few spikes appeared on the floor.

Gu Jin was stunned before joy appeared on her face.

"Yes, Yess Yes Yes."

After 2 weeks of crude cultivation, she was finally able to spell her first Magic Spell.

Though the power of the spell was weak, Gu Jin was thrilled.

Just then her Gizem ring started shining brightly, followed by the second ring given by Yun Jing.

Surprised, she put the rings together, but nothing happened however they were still shining brilliantly.

Gu Jin suddenly understood and injected her Plant Element's Energy into the rings.

The other ring integrated inside the Gizem ring.


The environment around Gu Jin changed.

A vast space appeared in front of her.

Gu Jin felt as if she had appeared in the galaxy.

Dark Blur galaxy expanded to an infinite space and light pink, white clouds were floating.

A big moon and scattered stars were present.

Soon a red garland swing with roses caught her attention.

Was this an independent space?

Feeling the dense elemental energy Gu Jin was stunned.

50 green islands were floating.

On the island were many houses.

Gu Jin explored the island near her.

To her surprise, the houses were filled with books and materials.

Some were filled with Array books, and Array Stones, while some were filled with Alchemy books and herbs and cauldron.

Gu Jin was shocked that a small island like this contained so many books and materials.

So does this means, that all other islands have something inside them?

Gu Jin decided to explore them.

Here Gu Jin can fly to reach the other island.

However, she wasn't able to reach the other island, it was as if the other islands were locked.

Gu Jin understood and stopped exploring.

She was more curious about whether this space was useful for her cultivation or not.

She started cultivating and was surprised to find that her meditation speed was increased 3 times.

She cultivated for the next 3 hours but the effect was equivalent to 9 hours of cultivation.

Coming out of the space she casually glanced at the time and was surprised to find that it was only 1:40 now.

Yun Jing came to meet her at 12 o'clock, and they talked for 10 minutes before she entered the space, so in other words, the time in space was 2 times faster than the time outside.

At her discovery, Gu Jin was flabbergasted.

Thinking about the herbs and metals, Gu Jin decided to sell them, however, when she tried to take out the herbs and metals, nothing came out.

Touching the blanket, Gu Jin placed the blanket inside her space, and when she tried to take the blanket out, the blanket appeared on the bed.

So does that mean she can't take out things that were in-built into space or provided by the space itself?

Understanding this concept, Gu Jin was upset.

After the awakening of her Plant Element, she realized that she had to buy a Mystic Seed.

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