Chapter 20: Wheel Stone

Ya, so if they ever scored more than Miss Chu doesn't that mean they will be accused of cheating?

Teacher Fu's logic was indeed unreasonable.

"Shut up!"

Teacher Yu turned and said to Gu Jin sinisterly,

"Since you are so confident, why don't you try once again?"

Chu Hua's voice sounded, "Yes Miss Gu why don't you try once again? But first, let me check the crystal ball."

Walking to the podium, Chu Hua searched the crystal ball and soon found two white stones.

Seeing the white stones, Teacher Fu exclaimed,

"Isn't this Pristine stone?"

Pristine stone was a valuable item, it can increase once Mana Attribute by 2 times while checking it.

"Ohh so she indeed cheated!"

"My god! For one moment I thought that she was innocent"

"Indeed poor people are vicious"

Turning toward Gu Jin, she said,

"Miss I didn't expect you to cheat. For a moment I thought that I was indeed mistaken."

Gu Jin saw how cleverly Chu Hua took out 2 white stones from her storage ring and acted as if it was found in the crystal ball.

It was only visible from Teacher Fu's angle.

"Miss Gu, could you do this? Sigh, I am disappointed in you."

Seeing the fake disappointed expression on Teacher Fu's face, Gu Jin laughed lightly.

Her laughter was light, however for some reason, it gave a chill to everyone present.

Everyone stopped chattering.

"Teacher Fu and Miss Chu, I had earlier decided to show some mercy on you but looks like you are ungrateful."

Saying so, Gu Jin transferred a ray of her Mana to Crystal ball.


A glaring 210 appeared in front of everyone and instead of retreating her hand Gu Jin directly turned the Crystal ball upside down.

"What the f*ck!"

"Her Mana Attribute score is in fact 210."

"So she didn't cheat at all, she, in fact, tried to maintain Miss Chu's reputation by only scoring 160"

Chu Hua's face stiffened.

"Isn't Teacher Fu an outstanding Mage, how can he not tell that Gu Jin didn't cheat?"

Teacher Fu's face turned pale, he already knew that Gu Jin didn't cheat at her first trial but he deliberately accused, her in order to please Chu Hua.

"210, I think I have indeed cheated. I cheated because I didn't show my true Mana Attribute."

Teacher Fu decided to change the topic and said,

"Congratulations Gu Jin for topping the exam. Now we can dismiss the test."

"Teacher Fu, my reward?"

Gu Jin remembered that the topper of the test will get a reward.

"Oh yes yes, I remember. Wheel Stone is the reward but it goes to the excellent person in the class so it will go to Miss Chu."


Everyone was confused but they slowly understood the matter and kept mum about it.

Miss Chu wanted the Wheel Stone.

Chu Hua raised her head proudly.

Wheel Stone was a Static-Grade Magic Tool, it was capable of increasing one's star luster of Magic Elements. Magic tools were usually divided into 3-grade Ordinary, Static, and Holy-Grade. Ordinary Magic tools were common in Renowned Clans however Static-Grade Magic Tools weren't.

Static-Grade Magic Tool was a rarity even in Fujio City. However since the principal of Magic School Acamdey had some connection, Wheel Stone was given out on every major test.

Chu Hua came today with the sole purpose to win the Wheel Stone, however, when she saw Gu Jin winning, she decided to accuse her.

Now Gu Jin understood why Chu Hua was acting as if an ant on a hot pan.

"Indeed Miss Chu is an excellent person."

Teacher Fu sighed a heave of relief when he saw Gu Jin backing down. Miss Chu had earlier told him to make sure that she gets the Magic Tool. And if she didn't, the 200 magic stones which she gave him will be taken away.

"Miss Chu never attended the class, she is indeed an excellent person! Her score was less than mine she is indeed an excellent person! Miss Chu slandered me, she is indeed an excellent person."

"You! I don't want this broken piece of Magic Toool, I...I will just give it to you."

Saying so tears appeared in Chu Hua's eyes.

Seeing her tears many teenage boys' hearts softened and they forgot that it was Chu Hua's mistake.


Thank you for :

Power Stone: calyxsofia.

Comment: Toomah_Noor.



Chu Hua's voice sounded, "Yes Miss Gu why don't you try once again? But first, let me check the crystal ball."

Walking to the podium, Chu Hua searched the crystal ball and soon found two white stones.

Seeing the white stones, Teacher Fu exclaimed,

"Isn't this Power stone given by calyxsofia💜🧡💙?"

Power stone was a valuable item, it can increase the author's motivation.

Author: @Toomah_Noor, you are not being slandered. And since you have falsely accused me, I will charge you with a punishment of 2 hearts 💜💜.

Stay blessed lovelies!