Chapter 21: Duel

Seeing her tears many teenage boys' hearts softened and they forgot that it was Chu Hua's mistake.

Just as they were about to scold Gu Jin, they heard a soft yet indifferent voice,

"Miss Chu, what do you mean by 'I will give it to you', it was mine, to begin with. Don't forget it was stated before that the person with the highest score will get the Magic Tool, not the so-called 'excellent person', and you all don't give the look of ' Give it back to Miss Chu', it has happened to me because I am shinning today. When one day you will shine, and the same happened to you, you will know."

Saying so Gu Jin took Wheel Stone and left.

Teacher Fu's face turned pale but he didn't stop Gu Jin, after all, if Gu Jin complained to the principal he would be in trouble.


Yes, Gu Jin was right.

That day in everyone's heart Gu Jin's image changed from weak, pitiful, and not-so-talented to strong, and smart.

Chu Hua gritted her teeth seeing Gu Jin's retreating back but she decided to let it go. She will beat this girl Gu Jin once she awakens her Magical Element.

Thinking so she stood up and said to Gu Jin who had just reached the door,

"If you are so confident, why don't we do duel? After half year you and I will have already awakened a Magic Element. After 2 years of cultivation let's do a dual between you and me. What do you think?"

Saying so Chu Hua smiled smugly in her heart.

After 2 and half a year of cultivation, with the resources of the Chu Family, she would easily reach Intermediate Level.

Gu Jin asked softly,

"What are the stakes?"


"Ya, what will the winner get?"

"The loser has to apologize to the winner and become the slave of the winner."

Gu Jin felt that it was good and nodded.

Chu Hua smiled smugly.

'Just you wait, Gu Jin when 2 years later you will be still at Primary Level and I will be at the peak of the Intermediate Level, you will know the disparity between our statuses.'

Ignoring the smug look on Chu Hua's face Gu Jin went to the dorm room.

Reaching the dorm room Gu Jin went into the dorm room.

If her Indigo Mana had reached a point of 320 Mana Attribute then doesn't that mean that in another 2-3 weeks she would be able to reach 550?

Will she awaken a new element?

However, from the looks of it, it was not possible, at every 2 stages a new element is awakened.

Gu Jin decided to reduce her Mana Cultivation hours from 8 hours to 3 hours.

It was noon and Gu Jin went inside her space.

If she cultivated for 3 hours then that means the time in the Space would be equivalent to 6 hours and on top of that, the space gives 3 times the result meaning, her cultivation would be equivalent to 18 hours!

Gu Jin was somewhat thrilled with this cheat code no one can stop her from becoming the Strongest Mage on this earth.

After cultivation her mana till 3 pm, Gu Jin started cultivating her Plant Element.

The Plant Element's Unyi was slowly disintegrating around the Green Mana.

Seeing this Gu Jin panicked and stopped her cultivation

What was happening?

Why was the Unyi disintegrating?

How she wished, that she had a book to know about Unyi.


A book dropped in front of Gu Jin, shocked Gu Jin looked left and right but there was no one.

But how did this book...

Seeing the label, Gu Jin had doubt in her mind and said in her heart.

'I wish I had a book on alchemy.'


One more book fell in front of Gu Jin.

It was a book on alchemy.

'I wish I had a Magic Stone'


Laughing bitterly, Gu Jin realized that even though space was resourceful it was not going to make her rich.

Gu Jin came to a realization that whatever book or thing she want as long as it is present in the space, it will appear in front of her.

Opening the book on Unyi, she realized that this book was totally different from the book present in the library.

The book in the library was a basic level book while the book in her hand was an advanced level book.


Thank you for:

Power Stone: calyxsofia ,Okwa_dat_Igbo_girl