Chapter 96: You Had A Choice

"I had no choice, Young Master Long. Young Master Sang... he threatened me. He said he would harm my family if I didn't cooperate."

Long Yifan's expression remained unreadable as he listened to the Second Elder's feeble excuse. He had heard enough lies and excuses to last a lifetime and had no patience for them now.

"You had a choice," Long Yifan said, his voice cold.

He walked toward the Second Elder,

"You had a choice. You could have taken the help of the head of the Si family or Magic Association but you were afraid. Afraid that your dirty deed would be exposed.

That your previous deal with Young Master Sang would be exposed and hence you were ready to destroy an innocent girl's life."

The Second Elder was choked.

What could he say when he knew that Long Yifan was telling the truth?

He didn't even have the luxury to speak as Long Yifan dealt with him.