Chapter 97: Complex Situation

Long Yifan reached a nearby girl in just two steps and hugged her,

"Calm down! Sister please."

The girl shocked by the sudden hug started pushing away Long Yifan,

"Don't touch me! Don't touch me!"

When she saw that Long Yifan was not moving away she suddenly bit his hands.

Her teeth were so strong that blood started seeping out of the bite mark.

Long Yifan didn't utter a word.

He only gently patted her head.

Suddenly the girl twisted and shouted,

"Ahhhh! Ants! Ants on my body! Ahhhh!"

The girl suddenly started tearing her clothes.

"Get out!" Long Yifan said coldly.

All the servants who were standing at the doorway didn't dare to look further and hurriedly left.

Long Yifan heaved a sigh of relief and hurriedly covered his sister with a blanket.

His sister especially hated it when someone even watched a hint of her skin.

When she was still conscious she used to ask,