Chapter 4 Center Area, Pure Energy

With the lesson of last time, Leon's way of handling problems was not so simple and crude.

Although the current trouble was solved in the short term, it was triggered more troubles.

When he came back, he wanted to erase all the details of his previous life that exposed him.

Leon had experienced more than 10 years, and his mind was more mature than before.

He took care of Steve, his family, and the person in charge of the collection area.

If not.

It would only bring endless trouble.

He had to wait for a good time to catch them all.

Ten days later, he would face a turning point in his fate.

At that time, there would be great opportunities in front of him.

He didn't want to lose such a chance because of such a nobody.

At the thought of this, Leon decided to show his extraordinary spaceship driving skill to dispel Steve's suspicion first.

Didn't he suspect that he was collecting energy for some kind of treasure?

Then he would just use the skill to make him surrender!

In fact, the technology Leon showed now was far beyond Steve's reach.

However, Steve felt a little lucky.

"This must be his limit. As long as I hold on, I will definitely discover his secret!"

This had become Steve's obsession.

What Leon needed to do now was to completely destroy Steve's obsession.

Then Leon sped up again.

While Steve was still in shock, Leon's Auberon had completely disappeared from his sight.

Although he could still find Leon's track in his space probe.

However, Leon was still accelerating in the detector.

Steve was desperate.

They had almost reached the center area.

Countless small stars were scattered around.

Leon was flying at such a high speed that he would be killed if he was not careful enough.

However, Leon could always get out of danger.

This not only required skills but also determination.

At this moment, Steve finally understood.

There was a huge gap between him and Leon.

No wonder Leon always ignored his provocation. What could a good kid do in front of an adult?

Steve blushed.

Just the operation skill shown by Leon was enough to make him lose.

But he was shameless to have a competition.

Steve understood that Leon could get rich energy every time.

With such incredible operating skill, the amount of energy that Leon collected every time was already considered small!

He didn't expect that Leon could be so powerful and could still be so powerful to low profile!

But what Steve didn't know was that in Leon's previous life, Leon was only a little more skillful than him.

It could be considered the late stage of the elites.

According to the ranks of the controlled spaceships.

They were divided into newbies, veterans, and elites.

Each level was divided into early stage, middle stage, and late stage.

Now Steve was at the medium stage of being experienced.

However, after more than 10 years of hard work, Leon had become very skilled at it.

He had reached the peak of the elite level!

He was much higher than Steve!

Even the high-grade warship couldn't make up for the technical gap between the two.

At the same time, Steve completely dispelled his doubts about Leon.

At the same time, he lost the sense of competition.

Leon was now in an area that he would never dare to enter!

With the fluctuation of energy, this area was extremely dangerous.

After getting rid of Steve, Leon drove the car and circled around the central area.

This area contained a lot of energy.

For ordinary employees, this was the energy collection point that they dreamed of.

After all, few people could come here.

But for Leon, it was like the back garden of his house.

He could come and go at any time.

Leon was not satisfied with this collection point, so he drove the No. 1 warship to go deeper.

Thirty minutes later, Leon began to slow down.

Apparently, he had reached the center of the central region.

This was a place he couldn't reach in his previous life.

At the same time, Leon felt a sense of freshness that he had never experienced in his previous life.

After adjusting the warship to the collection mode in the driver's seat, Leon began to explore the surroundings through the detector of the warship.

The signal of the exploration device continued to spread, and he was also constantly observing the energy content of this planet.

"That's it. Let's collect them first!"

After a short while, Leon found a small planet with a huge amount of energy.

This single collection was equivalent to five times of collection by an ordinary collection worker!

Leon's mission of this trip was completed successfully just by this small planet.

But Leon was not satisfied.

He came here not only to collect energy but also had other things to do.

In addition to collecting ordinary energy, he wanted to obtain pure energy this time!

The biggest difference between pure energy and ordinary energy was purity.

Pure energy was very precious, similar to crystals. The conditions of its formation were complicated, and at the same time, it was rarer.

Even in the middle of the dangerous area, it was extremely rare.

The reason why Leon obtained pure energy was to activate the other functions of the Divine-level Warship Assist System in the future.

The system had its testing function. Every time Leon used it, it only needed to consume a small amount of physical strength.

However, other higher-level functions would consume pure energy!

In his previous life, Leon didn't realize this until he turned on other functions of the system.

It took him a lot of time.

Otherwise, he could activate the system function earlier.

For Leon, time was everything.

In this life, he wanted to make everything under his control.

And the pure energy was divided into low level, medium level, and premium level according to different levels.

In Leon's memory, the primary function of the system was that it required more low-level pure energy.

However, it didn't mean that he didn't need the pure energy at the medium and premium stage

Leon looked around carefully.

When collecting pure energy, it was several times more dangerous than ordinary energy.

Because there were more energy materials contained in it, especially during the energy fluctuation, if the energy gathering master was not careful enough, it would cause the explosion of pure energy.

Over the next hour, Leon had been searching for small bodies and small meteors nearby.

He wanted to find some pure energy at the medium or even premium stage.

However, the harvest was not ideal. In the end, Leon only found a few low-grade pure energy.

When Leon was about to leave this place and change the place to continue searching.

A blue star hidden behind many other stars attracted Leon's attention.