Chapter 5 The Gaseous Asteroid

Leon saw that the blue asteroid was shining with unusual luster.

"What's this?" Leon murmured in shock.

"It's a gaseous asteroid!"

Leon finally recalled what had happened in his previous life.

The asteroid was composed of solid gas.

Normally, the solid gas would only exist in the core of the asteroid in the form of a mineral.

However, the asteroids were all made up of solid gas.

This also meant that there must be a relatively high level of pure energy within the asteroid.

Otherwise, the solid gas would soon split apart.

"God, I'm so lucky!" Leon laughed.

He carefully drove the warship and leaned over.

Half an hour later, Leon finally entered the collection range of this asteroid.

"Take it easy, buddy. All we need to do now is put the drill in."

Leon's palms were sweating.

Compared to the value of the asteroid.

It was also very dangerous.

In the process of collecting, carelessness would trigger the explosion of the solid gas and even detonate the entire asteroid.

Then Leon and Leon's warship would become a pile of scrap metals floating in the air.

"God bless me." Leon crossed his chest.

He carefully controlled the controlling rod to let the drill slowly lean towards the asteroid.

Leon looked at the distance monitor, not daring to blink.

Just when the drill was only 20 meters away from the asteroid.

Leon felt a great resistance in front of him.

"Damn it! It's the unstable gas eruption!" Leon cursed.

The asteroid would occasionally emit unstable gas, which did not affect the warship that was collecting at a safe distance.

However, if something like this happened during the collection.

It meant that it would cause accidents of damages to warships and casualties.

This was because when the drill bit was extended to the asteroid.

The warship itself had to remain relatively still with the asteroid.

Under the influence of the unstable gas eruption, the drill would move randomly, and even the warship would move.

His eyes widened and he held the controlling rod tightly.

Leon had no choice but to gamble.

He bet that the engine wouldn't detonate the unstable gas.

He bet that he could increase his power to maintain the balance of the warship the moment the gas impact arrived.

"God bless me, Leon! You can do it!" Leon yelled at the asteroid in front of him.

His excellent driving skill enabled him to adjust his flying state at any time.

Outside, Leon's warship was wobbling.

It seemed that he would fall at any time.

"Damn it! The gas is coming!"

Leon gripped the handle tightly and tried his best to stabilize the warship, ready for the eruption of gas.

"God bless me!"

Seeing the pale blue gas rushing over, Leon widened his eyes, ready to face victory or death.

The warship shook violently under the impact of the gas.

Fortunately, the engine didn't explode.

Leon clenched the handle and sped up.

The warship was like a sailboat in the wind.

It was swept by the storm.

But it just maintained its balance and was not flushed away by the gas.

And it didn't directly bump into the asteroid.

A few seconds passed, but Leon felt as if he had been through a century.

The eruption stopped.

"Hoo, hoo."

Leon breathed heavily and smiled like a survivor of a disaster.

"God bless me!" Leon adjusted his breath. It was too dangerous just now.

He was sweating all over.

"Now we can focus on mining,"

Leon thought to himself. Then he opened the drill and stretched out his hand towards the asteroid.

The process was boring and long.

After a while, a core was taken out of the asteroid by Leon.

"Oh my God, it's the medium pure energy."

Leon smiled with satisfaction.

The fruit of victory was so delicious.

He carefully collected the pure energy into the warship.

Leon looked at the solid gas again. Without the support of pure energy, they began to break.

"I have to speed up." Leon thought.

Then he used the mechanical arms to absorb the broken solid gas into the warship one by one.

Looking at the energy meter of the warship, Leon thought it was time to go back.

The warship for near-space mining has limited endurance.

After all, the space occupied by the fuel would squeeze the ore space.

Besides, Leon was a little tired, especially when he had just experienced a life and death test.

Leon carefully drove the warship out of the area.

The more tired he was, the more vigilant he was.

If he let his guard down in such a place, his warship would only become a pile of scrap metal.

When they arrived at the edge of the mining area, Leon finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He calculated his gains.

In addition to the basic mining targets, he also harvested three masses of low-level pure energy, one medium-level pure energy, and some solid gas.

Leon took a break.

Then he drove the warship towards the base.

"Hey, buddy, how's the harvest?"

The staff asked him with a smile when he arrived at the base.

"God bless me. Not bad." Leon replied with a smile.

"Leon, I apologize for my arrogance."

Steve apologized to Leon.

"Nothing." Leon waved his hand. It seemed that Steve's trouble had been solved.

He only needed Steve not to cause him any trouble.

It was not a big deal for Leon.

Leon finally decided not to rest at the base.

He went straight back.

After leaving the mining area, Leon switched to the automatic driving mode.

He was ready for a good sleep.

But soon he met the patrol.

It was the daily patrol team of the route in the mining area.

The flight from KD-01 to the mining area was their priority.

Therefore, this route was very safe.

Leon looked at the three warships passing by him and didn't pay much attention to them.

Although he used to be just a rookie who was happy to see a warship.

But at that time, it was mostly because of his system.

It was not like men's desire for huge cannons and solid armor.

Now Leon didn't have any feelings.

It was just a standard warship with no room to upgrade.

None of them met the requirements of the system.

They couldn't grow at all.

He thought.

Leon was close to the road-stead of the mineral company.

His harvest would be settled with the help of the automatic equipment.

But it would take some time.

But he didn't need to wait here all the time.

There was monitoring equipment, and he could check it at any time and anywhere after he left.

Although the mineral company would oppress the miners, they still kept their promises in this respect.