Chapter 7 The Peter Family

Although this was the second time they met.

But what happened in his previous life was just like yesterday.

In front of Leon, a middle-aged man was lying on a medical chair. The automatic medical equipment was trying to keep him alive.

The red warning light kept flashing on the chair.

The man was wearing a black uniform. He didn't look at Leon when he heard his footsteps.

He just said gently, "Sorry, I'm not convenient to move now. Please get closer."

Leon walked up to him.

His head was seriously injured.

His left eye had become a deep hole, and there was a deep crack on his right forehead. The skulls inside could be seen faintly.

The condition of his left breast was even worse.

A black dagger was stabbed into the man's chest.

The medical equipment was also trying its best to rescue his chest.

"It's a miracle that he can speak and live."

Leon felt that the dagger had broken at least half of his heart.

"Sir, I don't know why you took me here, but based on your current situation, I advise you to tell me as soon as possible."

Leon bowed and said reluctantly.

The man opened his mouth and smiled ferociously. "I've been injected with military stimulants. As long as I don't die, I'll be sober in an hour."

"I advise you to find a good hospital, or you will die sooner or later." Leon turned to look at the warship, the central commander system.

There was no one else except the two of them.

"Don't worry. There are only two of us on the top, and of course, the two robots that sent you here."

"It's not the right time to joke, sir. If you just want to find someone to comfort you before your death, I will pray for you." Leon stared at the man and said seriously.

"But I hope you can let me go in the future. I'm just an ordinary miner. I still want to realize my dream of life."

The man's head moved a little and said gently, "You are an interesting young man. Boy, I'm sorry. Since you've come here, you won't go back to the ordinary life in the past."

"I killed several members of the Peter family from the Savoie Stowe. They hated me so much that they gritted their teeth and were about to kill me. You have boarded this ship. After they knew it, I swear to God that they will kill you."

"The famous Peter family in the Savoie Stowe?" Leon felt a little depressed.

"Ha-ha, good boy. It seems that you have seen something. It's the Peter family who said that if they were hurt then they will kill your whole family." Speaking of the Peter family, the man's eyes were full of anger.

Leon had heard about this family before. It was located in the Savoie Stowe of the neighboring Akana Federation.

The Akana Federation was a federal government established by the family forces, but its essence was similar to the imperial system of Leon's mother country.

The Federal family of Akana was also divided into many ranks. The Peter family was one of the best.

This family was famous for holding grudges.

Once upon a time, a collateral member of this family was drunk and shouted abuse at a man in a bar.

The man was beaten up after he refuted a few words.

The man didn't dare to say anything when he knew that the man was from the Peter family. He took the man away.

But he didn't expect that the collateral disciple was still angry and rushed to those families to take them away.

Since then, they had never appeared.

The federal police began to investigate this matter. The public opinion on this matter was very stressful, and it even alarmed the federal parliament.

Soon, the collateral disciple was arrested and put into prison.

He thought it was over.

But unexpectedly, the federal police in charge of investigating this matter had been assassinated one after another.

The relatives of the three generations of the injured men were all killed inexplicably.

Even his niece, who was a few years old, was burned to death by the inexplicable fire.

Even if they were far away from other galaxies, they wouldn't be able to escape.

The whole atrocity was aboveboard and there was no intention of hiding it.

Soon, the homicidal mercenaries were arrested.

But everyone knew it was the Peter family, but no one could do anything to them.

This family was notorious in this area and no one dared to provoke it.

Although Leon was born in this remote industrial colony, he knew a little about this family.

Thinking of this, Leon nodded. With a cold face, he said to the man, "I know. Shouldn't you say sorry to me?"

"Ha-ha! You are an interesting little guy, but I don't have so much time to joke with you now." The man looked serious.

"I was stabbed in the heart by a dagger from the Peter family. If it weren't for the body refining level, I would have died. I wouldn't have talked to you here even if I had not been injected with stimulants."

"So why did you take me here?" Leon asked in confusion.

"You know the means of the Peter family are very good, but I hope you can imagine that they are one million times filthy and shameless. The evilest devil in the hell is not as 1/10000 as them!" The man gritted his teeth.

Leon nodded.

He did agree with him.

Before he was reborn, he had been against the Peter family.

He had tried his best to attach great importance to the tough means of the Peter family. They would use all kinds of dirty tricks to deal with you.

But at that time, he didn't pay enough attention, or he was too weak to pay attention to it.

"You did a good job." The man commented on Leon.

"In the face of a sudden change, you reacted quickly, knew the situation well, and then acted very calmly. Even when you came to this place and knew that the Peter family would kill you, you behaved very calmly. People like you are rare even among the noble lords."

"Thank you for your praise, but what I want to know more is how your warship suddenly appeared beside me."

The man smiled and said, "My name is Alex. The warship you are in is named Hannah. It's a swallow-level destroyer. What's your name, buddy?"

"It's my honor to meet you, Mr. Alex. My name is Leon. Since it's a swallow destroyer, did it suddenly appear by my side through the system?"

"Leon, buddy, you are a good boy. You know a lot about these things in such a remote place. It seems that you are not simple."

Leon sighed, "As you know, the warship is the guarantee of power used by powerful people to rule, and also the most precious crystal of our technology. Having my warship is my previous dream in life."

"Ha-ha? It seems that your dream will come true soon."