Chapter 8 Refuse

Leon was confused. "Mr. Alex, what do you mean?"

"God, I will die soon. Before I die, I will give you the command of the warship. You will be the next captain!"

Leon shook his head and said, "Mr. Alex, please allow me to refuse."

"Sorry, I can't." Alex seemed to be pissed off by Leon. He raised his finger and pointed at Leon with difficulty.

"But I want to know why you refused. It confused me. I don't want to get the answer from God."

"It was right. I want to have my warship."

Leon said to Alex seriously.

"But I have my plan."

"I can be a miner and slowly accumulate a sum of money,"

"Then I will leave this empire with no future, go to the Akana Federation, and study in the military school. Even ordinary people like me will have a chance to have a good future."

"As long as I can graduate from military school, I can get the warship funded by the school."

"I know it's very difficult, but I believe in myself."

"Now I have a chance to get a warship, of course, I want to seize it."

"But Mr. Alex, I'm not ready to own a warship now. I mean in all aspects. Do you understand?"

Alex fell into silence.

If Leon took control of Hannah after Alex's death, it seemed that he could own his warship and his status will rise to the top, but actually?

There was no doubt that Alex would die. He had offended the Peter family, and the Peter family had put a label of death on the warship, whoever pilots this warship would die.

If Leon succeeded, he would be hunted down by the Peter family endlessly.

The enemy must take revenge. Even if he took the initiative to board the warship, he would be listed on the death list of the Peter family, let alone inherit the warship.

Moreover, possessing his warship was not just a piece of cake, but also required a qualification.

Warship symbolized status. He could be an outstanding graduate of the military school.

He could also be a member of a noble family or a recognized talent.

He could even be the descendants of the despondent aristocrats.

But for Leon, it was far from being qualified.

Although Leon knew that all these problems could be solved after he was reborn because some of the ship-based modules on the Hannah were very rare and extremely powerful.

But he couldn't show it now.

Alex seemed to be very friendly to him now, but as long as his performance did not meet his expectations, the one who would greet him would probably be the fist of a robot.

Alex could survive the hunt of the Peter family for decades, and during this period, he had been dealing with the Peter family. Would such a person be so easy to trust someone?

So Leon had to act like a young man with great potential.

Otherwise, if Alex found out what he was thinking, he might lose his life.

Leon knew that Alex had lied to him from the very beginning. He could stay awake for a whole day after the injection, even if his body was dead but his brain was still alive.

If he did something wrong during this period, he could order the robot to kill him at any time.

Then he looked for the next "lucky dog" in this area.

After all, Alex had traveled between the interplanetary space for decades. He was not the kind of aristocratic waste who relied on the power of his family to wait for death. After thinking for a while, he understood what Leon meant.

"Leon, I'm sorry. It was my fault. You were so excellent that I forgot that we were not from the same world. Although you were not inferior to a noble, you were just an ordinary people."

Alex sighed, "I've been wandering in the interplanetary space for decades, and I've long forgotten how ordinary people live on the planet."

"Alas, Leon, I'm much older than you, and I've seen more people and things than you. Although you're experienced, you're still too one-sided, and you don't know much."

Alex untied the medical chair and struggled to sit up.

"I've been against the Peter family for decades. The bounty on me keeps piling up, but they can't do anything to me."

"Until this time, they caught a very important member of my family and forced him to betray me,"

They set a trap and ended up like this.

"The reason why I have been able to fight against them for decades is not because of luck, but because of my family's heritage, which is an additional type of ship-based module with special functions that my ancestors obtained when they were adventuring in the interplanetary space!"

"What's that? Isn't the module on warship called the ship-based module? What does the additional ship-based module mean?"

"Ha-ha, you are indeed just a young man. You don't have a deep understanding of warship."

"There are two types of ship-based modules. One is the standard module just you mentioned, and the other is a rare additional one. These are all recorded in Hannah's file. You can check it later."

Pretending to be innocent, Leon continued, "Mr. Alex, I still have an important but fatal question."

"What?" Alex was also a little confused. What else did he not understand?

"If you want to be the captain of the warship, you need to fuse the energy core of the warship."

"You must practice the body refining skill to a very high level, otherwise, it would be difficult to succeed."

"As you know, I'm just a civilian who is mining. I haven't learned the body refining skill yet."

Leon scratched the back of his head and said with shame, "I can't fuse the energy core of the warship at all."

Alex smiled and shook his head. "Don't worry. Only the active fusion of the energy core requires the practice body refining skill. You don't need it if you inherit the captain from me. The fusion is 100% successful."

Although Leon knew the answer, he had to pretend that he didn't understand a lot. If he showed that he knew a lot, which was not in line with his identity as an ordinary miner, he would be in trouble if Alex detected it.

He had to act like a calm, steady, and short-sighted young man in front of him, which would meet Alex's requirements.

"You don't have to ask anything now. I will arrange everything well. I swear to God that I will never give you any hidden trouble. You are sure to take over the warship successfully." Alex began to get impatient.

"Okay, Mr. Alex."