Chapter 72 Gravitational Windstorm.

A very common group of asteroids lay horizontally in front of the group.

However, this group of asteroids was different from the previous ones. They were all small fragments, and there were no larger ones.

Leon swore to God that this must be the "shelter" that the old miner had mentioned before!

He was very familiar with this trap. He knew that there would never be a relatively large body within the gravitational windstorm that could exist for a long time.

Even if there were, the small meteorite that had already been swept by the gravitational windstorm had already been smashed into pieces.

An idea occurred to Leon. He doubted Jones in the communication channel.

"Mr. Jones, why did you install a microcracking reaction shield system on our warship? Don't tell me that you don't know that once this shield is activated, it will produce strong radiation?