Chapter 73 The Rage Space

The size and quality of the assault warship were incomparable to that of a small mining warship.

Therefore, the effect of the gravitational windstorm was even greater!

The entire group of asteroids had become a sea of huge fragments of the asteroid.

The gravitational storm swept them wildly towards Frank's assault warship!

Frank was stunned at the command center of the warship.

He had never seen such a space windstorm before.

Those fragments of debris hit wildly on the assault warship.

The whole body of the warship was trembling.

Just like a boat in a strong wind.

The armors on the outer layer and the structure of the warship made a huge sound under this violent and frequent collision as if they would disintegrate at any time.

The warship's optical computer also sent out an anxious alarm.

"Mr. Frank, our armor is almost destroyed. There are too many fragments of these meteorites to withstand!"