Chapter 201 Bribe Benjamin

"By the way, Mr. Leon, do you choose to turn in the captured warship?"

Benjamin asked casually.

All the spoils obtained in the battles according to the summoning order were owned by the nobles who participated in the battles. This was a tradition all the time.

Although the Northland territory had the right of preemption, in most cases, the aristocrats would choose to take the captured warship back to the territory to strengthen their strength.

So when Benjamin mentioned it, it was just a formality.

"Mr. Benjamin, that's exactly what I want!"

Benjamin was a little surprised, but he still nodded.

"Okay, we have captured three energy core warships and twenty-five assault warships. Is there any problem with the number?"

Leon corrected with a smile, "There are only two energy core warships, Crow and Sparrow."

Benjamin nodded.

"I see, Mr. Leon. No problem. The Ida is a three-generation warship with certain potential. We should take it back and train it.