Chapter 202 Perfect Plan

The merits obtained from wiping out the pirate group must be uploaded to the merit list in real-time for people to check at any time.

Every merit he obtained should be reviewed.

In particular, when the merit list was concluded at the end, the people at the top of the list would receive a high reward and corresponding honor.

Countless people would stare at the merit list.

It was almost impossible to tamper with the merit list, and once discovered, the consequences would be very serious.

In that case, they could only take action during the process of recovering the spoils.

However, the recovery of spoils also had to follow the rules. The number of spoils that were collected would be rewarded.

According to Benjamin's authority, the price he offered before was the highest.

But Benjamin wouldn't say that he couldn't do anything about it.

Leon gave him an energy core warship!