Chapter 203 Ayeraupu Hawker

On the way back to the Bryansk galaxy, Leon summarized what he had obtained this time.

By handing in the spoils and the artworks they had acquired from the four pirate groups, the merits in Leon's account had reached an astonishing number.

After the valuation of a piece of art, there were at least dozens of merit points, and at most hundreds.

There were nearly five hundred works of art, and the estimated total value was close to ninety-five thousand merits!

Plus the recovery of captured warships and the annihilation of the pirate regiment, Leon's total merits had reached one hundred thousand!

One thousand merits could be exchanged for 1 titanium crystal, and one hundred thousand points could be exchanged for 100 titanium crystals. It was enough for the Prophet to evolve to a cruiser.