Chapter 228 Encounter A Mad Dog Again

While waiting, Leon and the others were busy.

Led by Evan, they drew up a detailed action plan.

"There are two key points in the preliminary plan."

"First, find the control node and authority of the strong artificial intelligence and control it as soon as possible."

"If we let the strong artificial intelligence escape from the monitoring, I'm afraid there will be endless trouble."

"Second, none of the members of the pirate group in white can be released, or we can't completely occupy this place."

Evan's plan was approved by everyone.

When the cooling time of the hidden action generation was over, the Prophet sneaked into the lair of the pirate group in white again and began to detect.

When the hiding state was about to pass, the Prophet returned to the radiation cloud. He waited for the cooling to finish while monitoring from afar.

This lasted for a few days.

"The strong artificial intelligence host is located on the only planet in the galaxy!"