Chapter 229 Leon Was Also Shocked

Indeed, the pirate group in white didn't attack many times, but each time they attacked, their target was of great value.

This was also one of the reasons why the pirate group in white was quite famous.

What Evan meant was that after the pirate group in white succeeded, the Prophet would make a move again and obtain the harvest of the pirate group in white.

But Leon thought for a while and said, "Let's do it now. Finish it as soon as possible in case anything happens!"

The once majestic Mad dog on the Mad Dog was no longer what it used to be.

The only one eye left was muddled and dim.

In the previous summoning orders, the small pirate group had suffered the most severe losses.

Previously, they had lost all their warships because of the attack from the pirate group in white.

Now there was only one warship left in the whole Mad dog pirate group, and it was also under the command of the pirate group in white as an underling.