Chapter 344 Reverse the Situation

When Shahn left, he took a detour and rushed to one of the charge fleets.

The bloody battle began, and his fighting power was unstoppable.

They not only defeated directly but also went to the enemy's battleship along the retreat route.

The remaining two charging teams were united into one, with the charging teams from the War of Goddess fighting dauntlessly.

At this moment, the opponent was rushing towards the command cabin of the War of Goddess.

Odyssey took the lead.

Leon had only one strategy, which was to wait for change.

On the four battleships, the charge teams were dispatched in full force, and the interior was still incomparably empty.

Shahn's counterattack would kill his opponent by surprise.

They only needed to stall for time. There was still hope!

Leon didn't let Loria join the fight. Although she was also at the premium stage of body refining, she had no actual combat experience.