Chapter 345 Trumpet Creeper

Wherever Shahn went, he killed people like a grass cutter.

If we don't take measures, they won't be able to capture the War of Goddess and even can't go back alive.

"Come back! All of you come back to rescue!"

The commanders on the remaining two battleships all screamed in horror.

At this time, the charge team on the War of Goddess finally retreated.

They had received the order that they must retreat immediately...

But it was not easy to retreat.

Neither Leon nor Tasia would let the opponent come back to rescue easily.

Taking advantage of the situation, the opponent lost another group of people.

The rest of the intruders, led by Odyssey, retreated awkwardly.

As soon as the opponent retreated, they removed the boarding channels.

This made Shahn unable to enter the third battleship.

However, since he had got the two battleships, Shahn would not give up.

They redistributed their team members and strengthened the control of the two battleships.