Chapter 360 Starry Sea

Leon didn't take it seriously. "Everything is ready. Don't worry."

"The capital star is different from our territory. The atmosphere there is completely different from that of our Northland! People from Northland are bold and barbaric, but logically, there is something that should be put on the table."

"But the people over there are not like this. They are full of schemes! Maybe there are knives hidden behind their smiling faces."

"You must be careful when you arrive at the capital city."

At this time, the viscount was no longer as aloof as before but began to chatter endlessly.

Leon could understand his father's worry, so he nodded with a smile, indicating that he would follow him.

Because of this, the viscount would be a little relieved.

Leon headed for Royal warship school in November.

It was only August now, so it was a little early to talk about it.

Of course, many things could not be predicted in advance. It was not wrong to be prepared in advance.