Chapter 361 Xingpeng Civilization

After reading the brief introduction to the battlefield, everyone was confused.

What happened to this Xingpeng?

Leon had seen a lot of things like Xingpeng before.

There is such a creature in the Blainst galaxy.

But as far as Leon knew, Xingpeng wouldn't migrate, nor would he slaughter other civilizations.

But why did the Xingpeng in the secret space battlefield become a star beast that was constantly migrating?

In addition, the analysis report also mentioned the so-called deep space summoning!

Perhaps, the deep space summoning was the reason why the Xingpeng migration.

In addition to the battlefield analysis report, Leon also saw several flashing dots on the virtual screen.

Each light dot represented a ship-based module.

The eye of the abyss had absorbed the previous radar and inherited the function of spiritual sense.

The ship-based module within the scope would be constantly scanned.