Chapter 409 A New Gamble

Compared with Blake, who was cunning and full of conspiracies, Tom was too naive. He was instigated by Blake and his whole body was like an angry bull.

Unfortunately, no matter how angry Tom was, he was just a nobody in front of Leon. Leon didn't say a word from beginning to end.

"Since this gambling game is too small to attract people's attention, why don't we make a different bet on who wins this trial between Leon and Morse?"

Morse rolled his eyes and quickly came up with a solution. This was a sinister and vicious plan. He wanted to push Leon to the opposite of Morse step by step.

"I agree with you."

Blake's proposal was quickly approved by the people around him.

Without Leon's consent, the game could be set up in private.

What's more, at this time, no matter whether it was Leon or Moore, the two of them could not stand out to openly oppose gambling. After all, whoever opened his mouth first would be named a coward.