Chapter 410 Albert Civilization

Ha-ha, these are just some unimportant things. You don't have to care too much about us. You'd better go to the secret space battlefield first. You have been depressed for so long and gone for relaxation." Leon said loudly.

This proposal was naturally responded to by everyone. Especially, Lilia had been on the warship for three months, and she didn't even have a chance to go out. She was so depressed that she was about to go crazy.

The Prophet left the space fortress where the warship school was located silently. It only took him half a day to leave the area near the capital city.

If the ordinary energy core warship entered the gravitational space battlefield, it would at least need to enter the space of the universe.

As for the area where the warship school was located, it would take half a month's flight to the nearest space in the universe, so three days were not enough.