Chapter 449 Free Exploration Mission

After all, every time the three of them were assigned to a relatively barren area. The star beasts in this area were far less dense than in other areas. Even if all of them were killed, it was impossible to get a good result.

In other words, this hunting in the southern star region was not completely fair. The points that the students could obtain were completely random.

It had to be said that sometimes a powerful dragon could defeat a local villain. It only took Hanks one night to bring back some very useful clues.

After the investigation, Hanks targeted the deputy head of the star knight team. The Remington earl had a great motivation to target Leon.

"Oh, it's an earl, and he's the vice head of the star knight team. I have no enmity with him in the past, but recently, how did he target me?"

Leon was surprised to hear that Hanks might have something to do with an earl. After all, he had no enmity with an organization like the star knight team.